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Business & Economics Databases at Carnegie Mellon University - with descriptions
ABI/INFORM Global – articles from scholarly and trade sources, and dissertations, on business conditions and trends, management practice and theory, corporate strategy and tactics, and the competitive landscape.
Academic OneFile - Peer-reviewed, scholarly articles on all topics, including management, finance, marketing and economics.
Applied Science and Business Periodicals Retrospective - covers the important events, issues and trends in the history of business and industry (1913 - 1983,) plus the most important historical sources in the applied science and technology field for the early/mid 20th century.
Berkeley Electronic Press - peer-reviewed articles in economics, business, law, engineering and political science.
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management - authoritative treatment by experts of management topics, with volumes covering: accounting, business
Bloomberg - terminal located in rm. A1 in Tepper lower level – financial information system providing analysis and quotes for equities and indices, current company, industry and market news, and economic data for the countries of the world.
Business & Company Resource Center - news and trade press articles, company profiles, rankings, market share, investment reports, industry profiles, and company histories.
Business and Industry - articles in trade journals and business publications; facts, figures and key events for companies, industries, markets and products.
Business and Management Practices – focus on applied management, business strategy and planning; articles from both academic and trade journals.
CareerSearch - identifies companies based on geography, company size, revenue, and other criteria; has job-related news, listings, and contacts.
CISDM Hedge Fund Data - see WRDS - provides information on over 3700 active Hedge Funds and over 660 active CTAs and CPOs. In addition, the database covers 3800 inactives. For each fund in the database, detailed information related to investment strategy and style, historical monthly returns, assets under management, leverage, minimum initial investment, and fee structure is provided.
Conference Board's Business Knowledge Research – authoritative research reports on issues in business management and
Compustat – see WRDS – from Standard & Poor’s, one of the most extensive databases of business financial data, covering over 80,000 global firms dating back to the 1950s. (The Netadvantage database contains a subset of this data, somewhat easier to use.)
Corporate Affiliations - see LexisNexis Corporate Affiliations
CorpTech - directory of technology companies in the U.S.
CRSP – Center for Research in Security Prices – see WRDS - monthly and daily quotations for stock prices, indices, US Government bonds, and mutual funds; current and historical.
Datastream - historical accounting and financial data for equities, market indices, company accounts, macroeconomics, bonds, foreign exchange, interest rates, commodities and derivatives from both developed and emerging markets.
Dun & Bradstreet's Million Dollar Database – directory with basic data on millions of companies worldwide; search by industry, company size, geographic areas and other variables, and download resulting lists in spreadsheet or report format.
EconLit - electronic form of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) providing citations and abstracts for economics research from journals, books, conference proceedings, dissertations, and working papers.
Emerald Management Research Collection - e-books and journals from a leading publisher of management research that is attempting to bridge "the gap between the world of research and the world of application." Special features include: literature reviews, podcasts, case studies
EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit) reports can be found in the ProQuest database. How to find them: in the search box at the top, enter the country name, and in the box where it says "Publication title" enter: eiu.
Engineering Village - engineering, communications, computer science, IT, operations research, environmental science, and more.
eProNet - an online recruiting and career management network for alumni of top 30 universities and business schools.
eStatement Studies - covering over 700 industries, with two components:
Financial Ratios Benchmarks providing industry norms, and Industry Default
Probabilities and Cash Flow Measures. You can download the data and compare a company's
financials to their industry.
Gartner Core Research – research reports on a detailed range of technology products and services.
General BusinessFile ASAP – articles in trade publications, newspapers, journals, newswires, and analyst research reports.
General OneFile – a general news database, with a very wide range of publications.
Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature - digital collection for researching the literature of economics from the period 1460-1906, providing access to 61,000 works from: the Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature at the University of London Library, the Kress Library of Business and Economics at Harvard, the Seligman Collection at Columbia and libraries at Yale.
Historical Annual Reports - .pdfs of annual reports for 800 US companies, some going back to 1844. These are the reports mailed out to shareholders, and so provide not only financial data, but narrative and pictorial snapshots of companies through time.
Hoover's Online - directory of US and International companies, public and private, with extensive information on each company, including profiles, competitors, financials, and executives.
INFORMS PubsOnline - access to 12 journal titles published by INFORMS, the professional association for operations research and management science.
International Financial Statistics - time series data used in economic analysis, including exchange rates, international liquidity, international banking, currency, interest rates, prices, production, trade, government accounts, and national accounts, from the IMF.
Interview Mastery - useful tips on interviewing skills.
Investext/Thomson Research - analyst research reports on companies and industries from top investment banks, brokerage firms, and trade associations.
JSTOR - peer-reviewed scholarly ,journals in all disciplines including management, finance, marketing and economics (not including last 3-5 years, however.)
Leadership Directories - identifies leaders in corporations and financial institutions, government, associations, non-profits, law firms, judicial and foreign representatives, and the media.
LexisNexis Academic - interdisciplinary, international database of over 18,000 sources including newspapers, journals, wire services, newsletters, company reports and SEC filings, case law, government documents, transcripts of broadcasts, and selected reference works.
LexisNexis Corporate Affiliations
LexisNexis Statistical – thousands of statistical publications on all topics, as well as a trove of numeric data
MarketLine – profiles of companies, industries, and countries, often containing SWOT and 5 forces analysis; also covers M&A and financial deal activity, and market data on a number of consumer products, from research firm Datamonitor.
Materials Business File - articles on industry news, product and process developments, plant development and construction, international trade, government regulations, and management issues related to high technology industries.
Mergent Online - has descriptive information and 15 years of financial data for US and foreign companies, both active and inactive. Mergers & acquisitions, SEC filings, institutional holdings, earnings estimates, joint ventures, long-term debt, bond ratings, capital stock, insider trading, and thirty years of historical stock prices are provided. Also includes industry and equity research reports, pdfs of US and international company annual reports from 1997, and quarterly fact sheets for US companies. Extra features: country reports, and private company data from Dun & Bradstreet.
Mergent Webreports - Provides the searchable scanned copies of pages from Moody's (and later Mergent) Corporate Manuals, from 1909 to the present. (Use this link for latest news reports.) These contain detailed descriptions of all significant public companies worldwide: financial statements, histories, properties, mergers and acquisitions, operations, subsidiaries, officers and directors, stocks and bonds. There are over 35,000 companies in over 100 countries. These replace and continue to update our microfiche collection of the same name.
NetAdvantage - Standard & Poor’s services and publications are available online here, including Industry Surveys, Compustat Excel Analytics, Stock Reports, Bond Reports, Mutual Fund Reports, Corporation Records, Security Dealers of North America, The Outlook, Trends and Projections, and more.
OptionMetrics – see WRDS - historical price and implied volatility data for the
ProQuest Direct – searches several databases together, including ABI/INFORM (above) the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and hundreds of other US national newspapers.
Roper Center for Public Opinion Research - a wide variety of public opinion surveys and other resources, ranging from the 1930s to the present.
Social Sciences Citation Index, in Web of Science – encompasses the scholarly literature in economics and other social science disciplines, used primarily to discover linkages among research publications and researchers.
SRDS Local Market Audience Analyst (need to use Internet Explorer browser) - from Claritas - defines and correlates target markets, their behaviors and lifestyles. Geographic, demographic, and psychographic data.
Standard & Poor’s Netadvantage - Standard & Poor’s services and publications are available online here, including Industry Surveys, Compustat Excel Analytics, Stock Reports, Bond Reports, Mutual Fund Reports, Corporation Records, Security Dealers of North America, The Outlook, Trends and Projections, and more.
STAT-USA/Internet – latest economic indicators from multiple government agencies, as well as import/export statistics, international market analysis, and trade opportunities. – company insider information, occupational overviews, internship programs, career and interviewing practice guides, message boards, etc.
VentureXpert – a query and report database on venture capital funds, private equity firms, funded companies, and their executives in the US, Europe, and Asia, as well as an analytics source for fund performance, commitments, disbursements, and statistics.
Wall Street Journal - current in ABI/INFORM Global.
Web of Science - encompasses the scholarly literature in economics and other social science disciplines, used primarily to discover linkages among research publications and researchers.
WetFeet - independently-researched reports on leading companies, industries and career advice topics.
Credo Reference - searches across a range of business and economics encyclopedias and dictionaries, including definitions, histories, quotations, foreign words, biographies, etc.
Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society
Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
Oxford Reference Online - Economics & Business - virtual reference shelf from Oxford University Press; includes dictionaries of finance, accounting, economics, management, and statistics.
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