Time: Monday and Wednesday, 4:30 - 6:20 pm
Location: Wean Hall 5302
Office Hours:
Time: Wednesday and Friday, 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Location: Scaife Hall 319
Course Description:
This course is intended for engineering students. The course will cover statistical thermodynamics and advanced classical thermodynamics. In traditional Mechanical Engineering courses on thermodynamics, we learn to apply the thermodynamic laws and identities to macroscopic systems. Often, it is not discussed how the microscopic behavior is related to the macroscopic properties. In this course, we will try to bridge this gap. Students will be introduced to the statistics of thermal physics that relate probabilities at the microscales to the properties at the macroscale. Energy storage mechanisms at the microscales, governed by quantum mechanics, will be utilized to derive the expressions for macroscopic properties such as internal energy, specific heat, entropy etc. These concepts will then be utilized to understand second law of thermodynamics applied to energy conversion, multi-component fluids, and multi-phase systems.
Undergraduate Thermodynamics, or equivalent
- Introduction to Thermal Physics, Daniel V. Schroeder (Addison-Wesley, 1999)
- Homeworks (35%)
- Project (15%)
- Midterm exam 1 (15%)
- Midterm exam 2 (15%)
- Final exam (20%)
Aug 26 - Dec 06 (15 weeks)
Aug 26 - Aug 30
Energy, Heat, and Work
Thermal equilibrium and temperature, microscopic model of an ideal gas, equipartition of energy, energy storage mechanisms and degrees of freedom, heat, work and enthalpy
Sep 02
Labor day
Sep 04
Probability and Multiplicity
Probability and multiplicity of coin flipping, multiplicity and energy states for Einstein solid, multiplicity of interactive systems, sharpness of multiplicity function
Sep 09 - Sep 13
Entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics
Entropy a function of multiplicity, multiplicity and entropy of an ideal gas, introduction to the 2nd law, entropy of expansion and mixing
Sep 16 - Sep 20
Entropy and Equilibrium
Thermal and mechanical equilibria, temperature and pressure expressed in entropy, macroscopic view of entropy, direction of heat flow
Sep 23
Diffusive Equilibrium and Review for Exam 1
Chemical potential, introduction of the Thermodynamic Identity, sharpness of multiplicity function for N microsystems
Sep 25
Midterm Exam 1
Sep 30 - Oct 04
Thermodynamics and Boltzmann Statistics
Introduction to molecular and subatomic energy storage mechanisms, the Boltzmann factor, probability of finding the system in a microstate, microstate population distributions, calculation of average quantities from statistical distributions
Oct 07 - Oct 11
The Partition Function - Part 1
Partition function calculations, mean energy and specific heat from partition function, fluctuations about the mean, partition function for composite systems
Oct 14 - Oct 18
The Partition Function - Part 2
Partition function for an ideal gas, distribution of rotational, translational, and vibrational energies, partition function and free energy, Equipartition Theorem derivation using Boltzmann distribution
Oct 21 - Oct 25
Thermodynamics and Quantum Statistics
Breakdown of Boltmann statistics for dense systems, introduction to Bosons and Fermions, the Gibbs factor, grand partition function, conditions for bosons and fermions, Fermi-Dirac distribution, Bose-Einstein distribution, comparison with Boltzmann distribution
Oct 28 - Nov 01
Conclusion of Quantum Statistics and Review for Exam 2
Nov 04
Thermodynamic Cycles
Ideal and real heat engine and refrigeration cycles, flow of heat and entropy, entropy limit on efficiency, effect of working fluid properties on efficiency, throttling process from microscopic perspective, mechanisms of entropy generation
Nov 06
Midterm Exam 2
Nov 11 - Nov 15
Free Energy and Chemical Thermodynamics
Free energy and available work, free energy as a force towards equilibrium, thermodynamic identities, Maxwell relations
Nov 18 - Nov 22
Phase Transformations and Dilute Solutions - Part 1
Phase diagrams, critical point, stability, the Clausius-Clapeyron relation, the van der Waals model
Nov 25
Phase Transformations and Dilute Solutions - Part 2
Phase transformations of mixtures, solvent and solute chemical potentials, Gibbs phase rule, osmotic pressure, boiling and freezing points
Nov 27 - Nov 29
Thanksgiving break
Dec 02
Final Exam Review
Dec 04
Project Presentations
Dec 12
Final Exam
Time: 5:30 - 8:30 PM, Location: Wean Hall (WEH) 5421