Date and Time: Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 - 11:20 am
Location: Porter Hall (PH) 225B
Office Hours:
Time: Wednesday and Friday, 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Location: Scaife Hall (SH) 302
Course Description:
This course will provide an understanding of the physics of combustion and will discuss practical applications that use combustion for energy conversion and propulsion. Emphasis will be given to applying the fundamental concepts to understand the design and operation of combustion devices. After taking this course, students will get a good understanding of how characteristics of combustion influence efficiency and pollutant emissions from some commonly known combustion devices. Course will cover basic and advanced combustion phenomena and a number of practical applications. Through a number of homework assignments and a project, students will learn how to formulate and numerically solve simplified energy and mass conservation equations in the presence of chemical reactions.
Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics or equivalent
- Combustion Engineering, Kenneth W. Ragland and Kenneth M. Bryden
- An Introduction to Combustion, Stephen R. Turns.
- Homeworks (50%)
- Project (20%)
- Final exam (30%)
Tentative Syllabus Outline:
Basic Combustion Concepts
Jan 14 - Jan 18
Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry
Property relations, first law of thermodynamics, combustion stoichiometry, chemical equilibrium, adiabatic flame temperature calculations
Jan 21 - Jan 25
Chemical Kinetics
Global and elementary reactions, chemical reaction rates, chemical mechanisms for combustion
Jan 28 - Jan 31
First Law for Reacting Systems
Constant pressure and constant volume fixed mass reactors, well-stirred reactor, plug-flow reactor
Feb 04 - Feb 08
Auto-Ignition Characteristics of Fuels
Two-stage ignition, ignition delay, characterization of fuel reactivity, effect of molecular structure on ignition, competition between ignition and heat loss
Feb 11 - Feb 15
Laminar Premixed and Diffusion Flames
Flame structure, analytical and numerical analysis, flamability limit, flame quenching, effect of burner geometry on flame characteristics
Advanced Combustion Concepts
Feb 18 - Feb 22
Spray Combustion
Types of fuel injectors, spray formation and behavior, spray characterization, fuel vaporization, 1-D model for vaporization controlled combustion
Feb 25 - Feb 28
Solid Fuel Combustion
Introduction to various types of solid fuels, drying and devolatilization, hetrogeneous chemical reactions, 1-D model for carbon and coal combustion, bio-mass combustion
Mar 04 - Mar 08
Introduction to Turbulent Combustion
Qualitative view of turbulence, turbulent flame speed, regimes of turbulent combustion, flame structure for spray combustion
Mar 11 - Mar 15
Spring Break
Engineering Applications
Mar 18 - Mar 22
Combusiton in Gasoline and Diesel Engines
Fuel injection, ignition, 2-zone burning rate analysis for gasoline engines, 1-zone burning rate analysis for diesel engines, combustion variability, combustion chamber design, trade-off between efficiency and pollutant formation
Mar 25 - Mar 29
Advanced Engine Concepts
Gasoline direct injection engines, HCCI engines, natural-gas and diesel dual-fuel engines, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), low-temperature combustion for pollution mitigation
April 01 - April 05
Gas Turbine Combustion
Types of combustors, design requirements for successful ignition and operation, combustion rate calculations, qualitative view of ignition and combustion stability, low-emissions combustors
April 08 - April 12
Fixed- and Fluidized- Bed Combustion
Fixed-bed combustion in a boiler, simplified modeling of fixed-bed combustor, atmospheric and pressurized fluidized-bed systems, pressure drop across the bed
April 15 - April 19
Gasification of Solid Fuels
Gasification vs combustion, chemistry of gasification, raw material, types of coal gasifiers, introduction to chemical looping
April 22 - April 26
Post Combustion Cleaning of Pollutants
Design and operation of three-way catalyst, SCR and lean NOx catalysts for diesel engines, diesel particulate filters, examples of real-world performance of catalysts, analysis of pollutant emissions data from CMU engines lab
April 29 - May 03
Project Presentations and Review for Final Exam
May 07
Final Exam
Time: 5:30PM - 8:30PM, Location: PH 225B