80-110: The Nature of Mathematical Reasoning
Richard Scheines
Spring Semester 1998

Lecture Notes
15 (Pythagoras and the Cult of Whole Numbers)
20 (Proof and Truth)
22 (Axioms, Definitions, and Theorems)
27 (Definitions I: GDP, even and odd)
29 (Definitions II: Causation and Infinite Sets)
Feb. 3
(Subjective vs. Objective)
Feb. 10
(Lets Make a Deal: Fallacies)
Feb. 12
(Lets Make a Deal: Rigorously)
Feb. 17
(Characterizing Deductive Arguments)
Feb. 19
(The Language of First Order Logic)
Feb. 24
(Review for Test I: Sample Questions)
Feb. 26
(Test I)
March 5th.
(Possible Worlds)
March 10th.
(The Semantics of Sentential Logic)
March 12th.
(Knights, Knaves, and Portia)
March 17th.
(Formal Proofs)
March 19th.
(Examples of Proofs)
March 30: Test Review
April 2: Test 2
April 7: Go Over Test 2
April 9th,
( Quantifiers )
April 16th,
( Set Theory: Part I)
April 21st,
( Set Theory: Part II)
April 23rd,
( Set Theory: Part III)
April 28th,
( Set Theory: Part IV)
Maintained by: Richard