24-370 Engineering Design I, Spring 2011

Professor: Steve Collins
Lecture: MW 12:30-2:20, BH A51
Text: Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design, Budynas & Nisbett
Optional text: Engineering Design, Dieter & Schmidt

Course email: CMUEngineeringDesignI@gmail.com
Teaching Assistants: Brian Sylcott, Paul Egan
TA Office Hours: HH B129, Monday 4:30-6:30 & Tuesday 11:00-1:00

Assignment 1: Sketching and Simple Models: PDF, example answers
Assignment 2: Simple and Detailed Stress Analyses: PDF, tables, answers
Assignment 3: Geometry-Strength-Mass Design: PDF, answers
Assignment 4: Materials and Assembly Concepts: PDF, answers
Assignment 5: Assembly Kinematics and Dynamics: PDF, answers
Assignment 6: Catalog Part Selection: PDF, answers
Assignment 7: Motor Analysis and Selection: PDF, answers
Assignment 8: Manufacturing and Cost Analysis: PDF

Project 1: The Astronaut's Coat Rack: PDF, Examples: PDF, Original Parts: PDF, Mass Results: PDF
- Minimize part mass under geometric, loading, material, and manufacturing constraints.
- Revised Component Designs: PDF, Revised parts: PDF, Rev 2 Results: PDF

Project 2: The Swinging Gripper: Teams: PDF, Sketch description: PDF, More details: PDF, Full description: PDF
Addtional documents: Wrist assembly: ZIP, SDP-SI order form: XLSX, Laser cutting guide: PDF, Reimbursement forms: PDF
Results: Lowest mass design: JPG, Lowest cost prototype: JPG, Testing photos: HTML
- Design a moving assembly to hold an object during dynamic motions.
- Final gripper designs: Lowest mass: JPEG, Lowest cost: JPEG, Trends in performance: JPEG

Project 3: The Rescue Ranger Winch: PDF
- Design an electromechanical winch for helicopter search and rescue operations.
* Final reports due electronically by May 5th.

Lecture notes:
2011/01/12 - Concept Design, Sketching, and Simple Models: PDF
2011/01/17 - Martin Luther King Jr Day
2011/01/19 - Introduction to SolidWorks: PDF, notes
2011/01/24 - Simple and Detailed Stress Analyses: PDF, notes
2011/01/26 - Failure Analysis: PDF
2011/01/31 - Geometry, Strength and Mass Design Loop: PDF
2011/02/02 - GSMD pt. 2, Engineering Drawings: PDF, guest lecture: PDF
2011/02/07 - Technical Writing, Material Selection: PDF
2011/02/09 - Project 1 Testing Day: PDF
2011/02/14 - Project 1 Rev 1 Results; Assemblies: PDF
2011/02/16 - Rigid and Articulated Joints: PDF
2011/02/21 - Revision Testing Day: PDF
2011/02/23 - Revision Debriefing, Kinematics and Dynamics of Assemblies: PDF
2011/02/28 - Catalog Part Selection: PDF
2011/03/02 - Project 2 Team Meetings
2011/03/07 - Spring Break
2011/03/09 - Spring Break
2011/03/14 - Project 2 Team Meetings
2011/03/16 - SolidWorks Assemblies: PDF, example: SLDASM
2011/03/21 - Review of Design and Selection Techniques for Project 2
2011/03/23 - Project 2 Q&A, Team Meetings
2011/03/28 - Testing Day: Project 2, Rev 1
2011/03/30 - Review of Design and Analysis Techniques for Project 2: PDF
2011/04/04 - Rigorous Analytical Methods from Shigley: PDF
2011/04/06 - Introduction to Motor Analysis and Selection: PDF
2011/04/11 - Testing Day: Project 2, Rev 2
2011/04/13 - Review of Prototyping Approaches, Matlab Motor Exercise: PDF, Files: Folder
2011/04/18 - Electromechanical Part Selection: PDF, Readings: Manufacturing and Cost
2011/04/20 - Design for Manufacture and Cost: PDF, Worksheet, custompart
2011/04/25 - Design for Environment and Ethics for Engineers: PDF, EIO-LCA
2011/04/27 - Semester in Review: PDF

Other Resources:
SolidWorks: Example folder, Tutorial videos, SW --> help --> tutorials
Matlab tutorials: Tutorial website
Manufacturing and cost analysis: Custompart.net, IPD worksheet
Design for environment: EIO-LCA
Legal and ethical issues: Dieter & Schmidt Ch. 17

Component Catalogs:
Materials: Matweb, Online Metals, Dragonplate, Carbon Tubeshop, Gordon Composites
Machine parts: McMaster-Carr, MSC, Stock Drive, W.M. Berg, Quality Transmission, Harmonic Drive
Electromechanical parts: Digi-Key, US Digital, Maxon, Micromo, Mouser, Jameco, EMO, Future
Microcontrollers: Sparkfun, Propeller, Gumstix, Tern, Basic Stamp

Course Calendar: