Reading: Reading
assignments are given occasionally . Check the
"Schedule" section regularly for each week's reading
Problem Sets: 7 problem
sets, some with computational assignment, are given to help
students better understand the course material. Problem sets are downloadable from the "Schedule"
Individual Effort: The solutions to all the problem sets
and the project that you hand in should be generated by your individual
effort. It is ok to discuss the approach to problems with other
students, but the written solutions and programs must be your own work and
should not be copied from someone else.
Hand-in Directory:
Late Policy: 30%
off for one YNU class day, 60% off for two YNU class days, and no
credit after the solutions are posted.
Grade Correction: Please
review a graded Problem Set right after it is returned to you to make sure that there is no error in grading.
If you find a grading error,
you need to let the instructor know as soon as possible but no later
than two YNU class days from the date the Problem Set solutions are posted on the
web to have the
grade corrected. |