NDEL General Research
The Neural Devices Engineering Laboratory is designing and developing novel medical technologies, in particular circuits for neural interfaces. We primarily design neural stimulation circuits and inductively-coupled wireless power and data telemetry systems. One of the projects we are working on is a retinal prosthesis in collaboration with the Boston Retinal Implant Project, a group Dr. Kelly has worked with since 1996. We are also developing circuits for other neural stimulation applications and neuroscience research.
Preventing Residual Electrode Voltage
NDEL is developing stimulation circuits that resolve the
problem of residual electrode voltage by using feedback to drive the electrode
voltage to zero, completely preventing the residual voltage from occuring.
Funding: The Department of Veterans Affairs, Pennsylvania
Infrastructure Technology Alliance, Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research
Wireless Power and Data Telemetry
NDEL is developing transmitter and receiver circuits, as
well as inductively coupled systems, for the wireless transmission of power
to medical devices and data to and from medical devices. We are developing
methods to optimally design telemetry coils, feedback systems to ensure
delivery of the correct amount of power, and improved switching power
transmission circuits.
Funding: The Department of Veterans Affairs
Long-term Stimulation and Recording Electrode Stability
NDEL is studying the long-term stability and reliability of
neural stimulation and recording electrodes in conjunction with the
University of Pittsburgh's Rehab Neural Engineering Lab.
Funding: DARPA