Left: Schematic of computational reconstruction with
meshed sample plane, detector and projection geometry.
Center: A sub-region of a reconstructed microstructure.
Colors are coded to the local crystallographic orientations
(J. Lind thesis, 2013). Right: Three dimensional
reconstructed copper microstructure (R. Pokharel thesis
For information about Carnegie Mellon Univeristy, click
For information about the CMU Physics Department, click
R. M. Suter Research Group
High Energy X-rays Applied to
Microstructure Science
Contact: suter@andrew.cmu.edu
Recent Publications (2014 - 2016)
- A. Bagri, J. P. Hanson, J. Lind, P. Kenesei, R. M.
Suter, S. Grade
ak, M. J. Demkowicz, ”Measuring
grain boundary character distributions in Ni-base
alloy 725 using high-energy diffraction microscopy,”
- D. B. Menasche, P. A. Shade, J. Lind, S. F. Li, J.
V. Bernier, P. Kenesei, J. C. Schuren, and R. M.
Suter, “Correlation of thermally induced pores with
microstructural features using high energy x-rays,”
- W. K. Epting, Z. Mansley, D. B. Menasche, P.
Kenesei, R. M. Suter K. Gerdes, P. A. Salvador,
“Resolving Heterogeneous 3D Microstructures in
Commercial Solid Oxide Fuel Cells using Micro-
and Nano-scale X-ray Computed Tomography,”
- T. J. Turner, P. A. Shade, J. V. Bernier, S. F.
Li, J. C. Schuren, J. Lind, U. Lienert, P. Kenesei,
R. M. Suter, B. Blank, J. Almer, “Combined Near
and Far Field High Energy Diffraction Microscopy
Dataset for Ti-7Al Tensile Specimen Elastically
Loaded In Situ,” submitted to Integrating Materials
and Manufacturing Innovation, 2016 (a data release
- D. B. Menasche, J. Lind, S. F. Li, P. Kenesei,
J. Bingert, U. Lienert, and R. M. Suter, “Three
Dimensional Study of Damage Formation in Shock
Deformed Copper,” accepted in J. Appl. Phys.
- P. Shade, D. Menasche, J. Bernier, P. Kenesei, J-S.
Park, R. Suter, J. Schuren and T. Turner, ”Fiducial
marker application method for in situ multimodal
x-ray experiments,” accepted for publication in J.
Appl. Cryst.
- L. Renversade, R. Quey, W. Ludwig, D. Menasche,
S. Maddali, R. M. Suter, A. Borbely, “Comparison
between Diffraction Contrast Tomography and High
Energy Diffraction Microscopy on a slightly deformed
aluminium alloy,” Int’l Union of Crystallography
Journal, 3, 1 (2016). article
- T. Ozturk, C. Stein, R. Pokharel, C. Hefferan,
H. Tucker, S. Jha, R. John, R. Lebensohn, P.
Kenesei, R. M. Suter, A. D. Rollett, “Simulation
domain size requirements for elastic response of 3D
polycrystalline materials,” Modelling and Simulation
in Materials Science and Engineering, 21, 015006
(2016). article
- S. D. Shastri, P. Kenesei, R. M. Suter, “Refractive
Lens Based Full-Field X-Ray Imaging at 45-50 keV
with Sub-Micron Resolution,” Proc. SPIE, vol. 9592,
95920X-1-9 (2015).
- A. D. Rollett,
G. S. Rohrer, R. M. Suter, “Understanding materials
microstructure and behavior at the mesoscale,” MRS
Bulletin, p. 951, Nov. 2015.
- P.A. Shade, B. Blank, J.C. Schuren, T.J. Turner, P.
Kenesei, K. Goetz, R.M. Suter, J.V. Bernier, S.F. Li,
J. Lind, U. Lienert, J. Almer, Rev. Sci. Instr., “A
rotational and axial motion system load frame insert
for in situ high energy x-ray studies,” Rev. Sci. Instr.,
86, 093902 1-8 (2015). article
- B. Lin, Y. Jin, C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind, R.M.
Suter, M. Bernacki, N. Bozzolo, A.D. Rollett, G.S.
Rohrer, “Observation of annealing twin nucleation
at triple lines in nickel during grain growth,” Acta
Materialia, 99, 63-68 (2015). article
- E. Wielewski, D. Menasche, P. Callahan, R.M. Suter,
“3-D alpha colony
characterisation and prior-beta grain reconstruction
of a lamellar Ti-6Al-4V specimen using near-field
high energy x-ray diffraction microscopy,” J. Appl.
Crystallography, 48, 116501171 (2015). article
- A. Cerrone, C. Stein,
R. Pokharel, C. Hefferan, J. Lind, H. Tucker, R.M.
Suter, A.D. Rollett, A. Ingraffea, “Implementation
and verification of a microstructure-based capability
for modeling microcrack nucleation in LSHR at room
temperature,” Modeling and Sim. in Mat. Sci. and
Engr., 23, 035006 (2015). article
- R. Pokharel, J. Lind, S.F. Li, P. Kenesei, R.A.
Lebensohn, R.M. Suter, A.D. Rollett, “In-situ
observation of bulk 3D grain evolution during
plastic deformation in polycrystalline Cu,” Int. J. of
Plasticity, 67, 217-2343 (2015). article
- J. Schuren, J. Lind, S.F. Li, J. Bernier, P. Shade, T.J.
Turner, P. Kenesei, J. Almer, B. Blank, R.M. Suter,
“Changing the paradigm for materials engineering
design by integrating high energy x-ray data with
modeling,” Current Opinion in Solid State and
Materials Science, 19, 234-244 (2015). article
- L. Wang, J. Lind, H. Phukan, P. Kenesei, J-S. Park,
R.M. Suter, A.J. Beaudoin, T.R. Bieler, “Mechanical
twinning and detwinning in pure Ti during
loading and unloading-An in situ high-energy X-ray
diffraction microscopy study,” Scripta Materialia,
92, 35-38 (2014). article
- A.D. Spear,, S.F. Li, J.F. Lind, R.M. Suter,
A.R. Ingraffea, “Three dimensional characterization
of microstructurally small fatigue-crack evolution
using quantitative fractography combined with
post-mortem X-ray tomography and high-energy
X-ray diffraction microscopy”, Acta Materialia, 76,
413-424 (2014). article
- J. Lind, S.F. Li, R. Pokharel, U. Lienert, A.D.
Rollett, R.M. Suter, “Tensile twin nucleation events
coupled to neighboring slip observed in three
dimensions,” Acta Materialia, 76, 213-220 (2014).
- C.A. Stein, A. Cerrone, T. Ozturk, S. Lee, P. Kenesei,
H. Tucker, R. Pokharel, J. Lind, C.M. Hefferan, R.M.
Suter, A.R. Ingraffea, A.D. Rollett, “Fatigue crack
initiation, slip localization and twin boundaries in a
nickel-based superalloy”, Current Opinion in Solid
State and Materials Science, 2014. article
- P.A. Shade, J.C. Schuren, J.V. Bernier, S.F. Li, B.
Blank, J. Lind, P. Kenesei, U. Lienert, R.M. Suter,
T.J. Turner, D.M. Dimiduk, J. Almer, “Changing
the Paradigm for Engineering Design by Merging
High Energy X-ray Data with Materials Modeling,”
Microsc. and Microanalysis, 20, 1444-1445 (2014).
- D.W. Brown, L. Balogh, D. Byler, C. M. Hefferan,
J.F. Hunter, P. Kenesei, S.F. Li, J. Lind, S.R.
Niezgoda, R.M. Suter, “Demonstration of Near
Field High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy on
High-Z Ceramic Nuclear Fuel Material,” Materials
Science Forum, 777, 112-117 (2014). article
- R. Pokharel, J. Lind, A.K. Kanjarla, R.A.
Lebensohn, S.F. Li, P. Kenesei, R.M. Suter, and
A.D. Rollett, “Polycrystal plasticity: comparison
between grain scale observations of deformation and
simulations,” Annual Reviews of Condensed Matter
Physics, 5, 317346 (2014). article
- J.F. Bingert, R.M. Suter, J. Lind, S.F. Li, R.
Pokharel, C. Trujillo, “High-Energy Diffraction
Microscopy Characterization of Spall Damage,”
Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 1, 397-403 (2014).
Updated March 15, 2016