Carnegie Bosch Professor of Operations Research
Tepper School of Business
Carnegie Mellon University
Courtesy appointment at Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University
Office: Tepper Quad 4104
The documents on this page are preprints. The copyright for the published documents rests with the author(s) and the journals or conferences where they were published.
W.-J. van Hoeve (ed.). Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research (CPAIOR). LNCS 10848, Springer, 2018.
D. Bergman, A. A. Cire, W.-J. van Hoeve, and J. N. Hooker.
Decision Diagrams for Optimization. Springer, 2016.
W.-J. van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker (eds.). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR). LNCS 5547, Springer, 2009.
Sebastián Vásquez, L. Lozano, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
A Single-Level Reformulation of Integer Bilevel Programs using Decision Diagrams.
Under Review.
A. Karahalios and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Column Elimination: An Iterative Approach to Solving Integer Programs.
Under Review.
A. Hosseininasab, W.-J. van Hoeve, and S. R. Tayur.
Provider Network Selection and Plan Personalization for Health Insurance Design.
Under Review.
L. Michel and W.-J. van Hoeve.
CODD: A Decision Diagram-based Solver for Combinatorial Optimization.
In Proceedings of ECAI, pp. 4240-4247. IOS Press, 2024.
A. Hosseininasab, W.-J. van Hoeve, and A. A. Cire.
Memory-Efficient Sequential Pattern Mining with Hybrid Tries.
Journal of Machine Learning Research 25(227):1-29, 2024.
Z. Tang and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Dual Bounds from Decision Diagram-Based Route Relaxations: An Application to Truck-Drone Routing.
Transportation Science 58(1):257-278, 2024.
W.-J. van Hoeve.
An Introduction to Decision Diagrams for Optimization.
INFORMS Tutorials in Operations Research,
117-145, 2024. (slides,
S. Kadioglu, X. Wang, A. Hosseininasab, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Seq2Pat: Sequence-to-pattern generation to bridge pattern mining with machine learning.
In AI Magazine 44(1):54-66, 2023.
A. Karahalios and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Column Elimination for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems.
In Proceedings of CPAIOR,
LNCS 13884, pp. 35-51.
Springer, 2023.
R. Gentzel, L. Michel and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Optimization Bounds from Decision Diagrams in Haddock.
In Proceedings of CPAIOR,
LNCS 13884, pp. 150-166.
Springer, 2023.
Van Hentenryck, P. and van Hoeve, W.-J. Constraint Programming. In: Pardalos, P.M., Prokopyev, O.A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Optimization. Springer, 2023.
N. Jiang, M. Zhang, W.-J. van Hoeve, and Y. Xue.
Constraint Reasoning Embedded Structured Prediction.
Journal of Machine Learning Research (345):1-40, 2022.
M. J. H. Heule, A. Karahalios, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
From Cliques to Colorings and Back Again.
In Proceedings of CP, LIPIcs 235, 2022.
R. Gentzel, L. Michel and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Heuristics for MDD Propagation in Haddock.
In Proceedings of CP, LIPIcs 235, 2022.
(Source code: part of Mini-CP)
A. Karahalios and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Variable Ordering for Decision Diagrams: A Portfolio Approach.
Constraints 27:116-133, 2022.
W.-J. van Hoeve.
Graph Coloring with Decision Diagrams.
Mathematical Programming,
192(1):631-674, 2022.
X. Wang, A. Hosseininasab, P. Colunga, S. Kadioglu, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Seq2Pat: Sequence-to-Pattern Generation for Constraint-based Sequential Pattern Mining.
In Proceedings of AAAI,
pp. 12665–12671, AAAI Press, 2022.
C. Tjandraatmadja and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Incorporating Bounds from Decision Diagrams into Integer Programming.
Mathematical Programming Computation 13:225-256, 2021.
D. Davarnia and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Approximation for Integer Nonlinear Programs via Decision Diagrams.
Mathematical Programming 187:111-150, 2021.
Harvey J. Greenberg Research Award.
A. Hosseininasab and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Exact Multiple Sequence Alignment by Synchronized Decision Diagrams.
INFORMS Journal on Computing 33(2):721-738, 2021.
J. Kinable, W.-J. van Hoeve, and S. F. Smith.
Snow Plow Route Optimization: A Constraint Programming Approach.
IISE Transactions 53(6):685-703, 2021.
IISE Transactions Best Application Paper.
R. Gentzel, L. Michel and W.-J. van Hoeve. HADDOCK: A Language and Architecture for Decision
Diagram Compilation. In Proceedings of CP,
LNCS 12333, pp. 531-547.
Springer, 2020.
(Source code)
W.-J. van Hoeve. Graph Coloring Lower Bounds from Decision Diagrams.
In Proceedings of IPCO, LNCS 12125, pp. 405-419. Springer, 2020.
J.-K. Mogali, W.-J. van Hoeve, and S. F. Smith.
Template Matching and Decision Diagrams for Multi-Agent Path Finding.
In Proceedings of CPAIOR,
LNCS 12296, pp. 347-363.
Springer, 2020.
C. Tjandraatmadja and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Target Cuts from Relaxed Decision Diagrams.
INFORMS Journal on Computing 32(2):285-301, 2019.
A. Hosseininasab, W.-J. van Hoeve, and A. A. Cire.
Constraint-based Sequential Pattern Mining with Decision Diagrams.
In Proceedings of AAAI, pp. 1495-1502. AAAI Press, 2019.
The algorithm has been made available as the library Seq2Pat
(joint with the AI Lab at Fidelity).
F. Grenouilleau, W.-J. van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker.
A Multi-Label A* Algorithm for Multi-Agent Pathfinding.
In Proceedings of ICAPS, pp. 181-185. AAAI Press, 2019.
Y. Xue and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Embedding Decision Diagrams into Generative Adversarial Networks.
In Proceedings of CPAIOR,
LNCS 11494, pp. 616-632.
Springer, 2019.
B. Kocuk and W.-J. van Hoeve.
A Computational Comparison of Optimization Methods for the Golomb Ruler Problem.
In Proceedings of CPAIOR,
LNCS 11494, pp. 409-425.
Springer, 2019.
Z. Tang, W.-J. van Hoeve, and P. Shaw.
A Study on the Traveling Salesman Problem with a Drone.
In Proceedings of CPAIOR,
LNCS 11494, pp. 557-564.
Springer, 2019.
J. N. Hooker and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Constraint Programming and Operations Research.
Constraints 23(2):172-195, 2018.
N. Lahrichi, L.-M. Rousseau, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Residential Care.
In Handbook
of Healthcare Analytics, T. Dai and S. Tayur (eds.),
Wiley, 2018.
W.-J. van Hoeve and S. Tayur.
Integer and Constraint Programming for Batch Annealing Process Planning.
In Proceedings of CP, LNCS 10416, pp. 431-439. Springer, 2017.
J. Kinable, A. A. Cire, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Hybrid Optimization Methods for Time-Dependent Sequencing Problems.
European Journal of Operational Research 259(3):887-897, 2017.
J. Schuijbroek, R. Hampshire, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Inventory Rebalancing and Vehicle Routing in Bike Sharing Systems.
European Journal of Operational Research 257(3): 992-1004, 2017.
EJOR Best Application Paper Award.
K. Giles and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Solving a Supply-Delivery Scheduling Problem
with Constraint Programming.
In Proceedings of CP, LNCS 9892, pp. 602-617. Springer, 2016.
J. Kinable, W.-J. van Hoeve, and S. F. Smith.
Optimization Models for a Real-World Snow Plow Routing Problem.
In Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS 9676, pp. 229-245. Springer, 2016.
D. Bergman, A. A. Cire, W.-J. van Hoeve, and J. N. Hooker.
Optimization with Decision Diagrams. INFORMS Journal on Computing 28(1):47-66, 2016.
D. Bergman, A. A. Cire, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Improved Constraint Propagation via Lagrangian Decomposition.
In Proceedings of CP, LNCS 9255, pp. 30-38. Springer, 2015.
D. Bergman, A. A. Cire, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Bounds from Decision Diagrams.
Constraints 20(3):346-361, 2015.
B. Kell, A. Sabharwal, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
BDD-Guided Clause Generation.
In Proceedings of CPAIOR,
LNCS 9075, pp. 215-230. Springer, 2015.
V. Goel, M. Slusky, W.-J. van Hoeve, K. Furman, and Y. Shao.
Constraint Programming for LNG Ship Scheduling and Inventory Management.
European Journal of Operational Research 241(3): 662-673, 2015.
D. Bergman, A. A. Cire, and W.-J. van Hoeve. MDD Propagation for Sequence
Constraints. JAIR, Volume 50, pages 697-722, 2014.
D. Bergman, A. A. Cire, W.-J. van Hoeve, and T. Yunes.
BDD-Based Heuristics for Binary Optimization.
Journal of Heuristics, 20(2): 211-234, 2014.
D. Bergman, A. A. Cire, W.-J. van Hoeve, and J. N. Hooker.
Optimization Bounds from Binary Decision Diagrams.
INFORMS Journal on Computing 26(2): 253-258, 2014.
D. Bergman, A. A. Cire, A. Sabharwal, H. Samulowitz, V. Saraswat, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Parallel Combinatorial Optimization with Decision Diagrams.
In Proceedings of CPAIOR,
LNCS 8451, pp. 351-367. Springer, 2014.
A. A. Cire and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Multivalued Decision Diagrams for
Sequencing Problems.
Operations Research 61(6): 1411-1428, 2013.
W.-J. van Hoeve. Developing Constraint Programming Applications with AIMMS.
Workshop on Domain Specific Languages in Combinatorial Optimization (COSpel), 2013.
B. Kell and W.-J. van Hoeve.
An MDD Approach to Multidimensional Bin Packing.
In Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS 7874, pp. 128-143. Springer, 2013.
M. R. Slusky and W.-J. van Hoeve.
A Lagrangian Relaxation for Golomb Rulers.
In Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS 7874, pp. 251-267. Springer, 2013.
P. Benchimol, W.-J. van Hoeve, J.-C. Régin, L.-M. Rousseau, and M. Rueher.
Improved Filtering for Weighted Circuit Constraints.
Constraints 17(3): 205-233, 2012. The code is available
A. A. Cire and W.-J. van Hoeve. MDD Propagation for Disjunctive Scheduling. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), pp. 11-19. AAAI Press, 2012.
A. A. Cire, E. Coban, and W.-J. van Hoeve. Flow-Based Combinatorial Chance Constraints.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
(CPAIOR). LNCS 7298, pp. 129-145. Springer, 2012.
Note: The filtering rule for the `most likely matching' is incorrect
as stated in the paper (Lemma 6 in Section 5.3). The experiments did not
expose this error. A correction will be made in an extended version of the paper.
D. Bergman, A.A. Cire, W.-J. van Hoeve, and J.N. Hooker. Variable Ordering for the Application of
BDDs to the Maximum Independent Set Problem. In Proceedings of the International Conference on
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
(CPAIOR). LNCS 7298, pp. 34-49. Springer, 2012.
W.-J. van Hoeve. Semidefinite Programming and Constraint Programming.
Chapter 22 of M. F. Anjos and J. B. Lasserre (eds.),
Handbook on Semidefinite, Cone and Polynomial Optimization:
Theory, Algorithms, Software and Applications, Springer, 2012.
J. Conrad, C. P. Gomes, W.-J. van Hoeve, A. Sabharwal, and J. F. Suter. Wildlife corridors as a connected subgraph problem. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 63(1): 1-18, 2012.
D. Bergman, W.-J. van Hoeve, and J. N. Hooker.
Manipulating MDD Relaxations for Combinatorial Optimization.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration of AI and OR
Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
LNCS 6697, pp. 20-35. Springer, 2011.
W.-J. van Hoeve, M. Hunting, and C. Kuip. The Aimms Interface to Constraint Programming.
In Proceedings of Late Breaking Abstracts of
CPAIOR, pp. 41-43, 2011.
R. Steiger, W.-J. van Hoeve, and R. Szymanek. An Efficient Generic Network Flow Constraint.
In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
(SAC), pp. 893-900. ACM, 2011.
W.-J. van Hoeve. Over-Constrained Problems. Chapter in P. Van Hentenryck and M. Milano (eds.),
Hybrid Optimization: The Ten Years of
CPAIOR, pp. 191-225. Springer, 2011.
S. Hoda, W.-J. van Hoeve, and J. N. Hooker.
A Systematic Approach to MDD-Based Constraint Programming.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Principles and Practices of Constraint Programming
LNCS 6308, pp. 266-280. Springer, 2010.
P. Benchimol, J.-C. Régin, L.-M. Rousseau, M. Rueher, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Improving the Held and Karp Approach with Constraint Programming.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration of AI and OR
Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
LNCS 6140, pp. 40-44. Springer, 2010.
J.-C. Régin, L.-M. Rousseau, M. Rueher, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
The Weighted Spanning Tree Constraint Revisited.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration of AI and OR
Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
LNCS 6140, pp. 176-180. Springer, 2010.
C. Gunes, W.-J. van Hoeve, and S. Tayur.
Vehicle Routing for Food Rescue Programs: A Comparison of Different Approaches.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration of AI and OR
Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
LNCS 6140, pp. 287-291. Springer, 2010.
B. K. Peterson, W.-J. van Hoeve, L. G. Debo, and S. Kekre. Flexible Milk-Runs for Stochastic
Vehicle Routing. Tepper School of Business Working Paper 2010-E78, Carnegie Mellon
University, 2010.
W.-J. van Hoeve, G. Pesant, L.-M. Rousseau, and A. Sabharwal.
New Filtering Algorithms for Combinations of Among Constraints.
Constraints 14:273-292, 2009.
Y. Malitsky, M. Sellmann, and W.-J. van Hoeve.
Length-Lex Bounds Consistency for Knapsack Constraints.
In Proceedings of the International Conference
on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
LNCS 5202, pp. 266-281. Springer, 2008.
C. P. Gomes, W.-J. van Hoeve, and A. Sabharwal.
Connections in Networks: A Hybrid Approach.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration of AI and OR
Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
LNCS 5015, pp. 303-307. Springer, 2008.
W.-J. van Hoeve and A. Sabharwal.
Filtering Atmost1 on Pairs of Set Variables.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration of AI and OR
Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
LNCS 5015, pp. 382-386. Springer, 2008.
C. P. Gomes, W.-J. van Hoeve, A. Sabharwal, and B. Selman.
Counting CSP Solutions Using Generalized XOR Constraints.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI 2007), 2007.
W.-J. van Hoeve, C. P. Gomes, M. Lombardi, and B. Selman. Optimal Multi-Agent Scheduling with
Constraint Programming. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovative
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
(IAAI 2007), 2007.
J. Conrad, C. P. Gomes, W.-J. van Hoeve, A. Sabharwal, and J. Suter.
Connections in Networks: Hardness of Feasibility versus Optimality.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration of AI and OR
Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
LNCS 4510, pp. 16-28. Springer, 2007.
W.-J. van Hoeve and A. Sabharwal. Two Set-Constraints for Modeling and Efficiency.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Constraint
Modelling and Reformulation (ModRef 2007), 2007.
G. Dooms, L. Mercier, P. Van Hentenryck, W.-J. van Hoeve and L. Michel.
Length-Lex Open Constraints.
Technical Report CS-07-09, Brown University, 2007.
W.-J. van Hoeve and I. Katriel. Global Constraints. Chapter 6 of F. Rossi, P. van Beek and
T. Walsh (eds.), Handbook of Constraint Programming, Elsevier 2006.
W.-J. van Hoeve, G. Pesant, L.-M. Rousseau and A. Sabharwal. Revisiting the Sequence
Constraint. In Proceedings of the International Conference
on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
(CP), pp. 620-634, LNCS 4204, 2006.
Best paper award.
W.-J. van Hoeve, G. Pesant and L.-M. Rousseau. On Global Warming: Flow-Based Soft Global
Constraints. Journal of Heuristics 12(4-5):347-373, 2006.
W.-J. van Hoeve and J.-C. Régin.
Open Constraints in a Closed World.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Integration of AI and OR
Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
LNCS 3990, pp. 244-257. Springer, 2006.
C. P. Gomes, W.-J. van Hoeve and L. Leahu.
The Power of Semidefinite Programming Relaxations for MAX-SAT.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Integration of AI and OR
Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
LNCS 3990, pp. 104-118. Springer, 2006.
C. P. Gomes, W.-J. van Hoeve and B. Selman.
Constraint Programming for Distributed Planning and Scheduling.
In AAAI Spring Symposium on Distributed Plan and Schedule Management, 2006.
W.J. van Hoeve. Exploiting Semidefinite Relaxations in Constraint
Computers and Operations Research 33(10):2787-2804, 2006.
W.-J. van Hoeve. Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming.
PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2005.
W.J. van Hoeve. A Hyper-Arc Consistency Algorithm for the Soft
Alldifferent Constraint. In International Conference
on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
3258, pp. 679-689. Springer, 2004. Best student paper award.
W.J. van Hoeve, G. Pesant and L.-M. Rousseau. On Global Warming (Softening
Global Constraints). In
International Workshop on Preferences and Soft
Constraints (held in conjunction with
CP), 2004.
W.J. van Hoeve and
M. Milano. Postponing Branching Decisions. In
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(ECAI 2004),
pp. 1105-1106. IOS Press, 2004.
An extended version
is also available.
W.J. van Hoeve. A hybrid constraint programming and semidefinite programming
approach for the stable set problem. In International Conference on
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP),
LNCS 2833, pp. 407-421. Springer, 2003.
W.J. van Hoeve. A hybrid constraint programming and semidefinite programming
approach for the stable set problem. In International Workshop on
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial
Optimization Problems (CPAIOR), pp. 3-16, 2003.
W.J. van Hoeve and
M. Milano. Decomposition Based Search. A theoretical and
experimental evaluation. LIA Technical Report LIA00203, University
of Bologna, 2003.
M. Milano and W.J. van Hoeve. Reduced cost-based ranking for generating
promising subproblems. In International Conference on Principles and
Practice of Constraint Programming (CP),
LNCS 2470, pp. 1-16. Springer, 2002.
M. Milano and W.J. van Hoeve. Reduced cost-based ranking for generating promising subproblems. Joint ERCIM - CologNet Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, pp. 7-22, Cork (Ireland), June 2002.
W.J. van Hoeve. The Alldifferent Constraint: A Survey.
Annual Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Constraints, Prague, June 2001.
An extended version is also available.