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Sponsored by yer sex-lovin' Womens Center and AB Special Events. Sex is a Special Event, don'tcha know! And it's not just for women. And it's not just for men. And it's not just for couples. It's for anyone interested in sex-positive discussion, education, and ridiculous games. *** We're giving away three prizes at every event: one for first base, one for second, and one for third. And there are three home run prizes during sex week, too! We'll let you know closer to the time, which events you can win a home run at! *** Thursday, February 27 Friday, February 28 Saturday, March 1 Monday, March 3 Tuesday, March 4 Thursday, February 27 11am to 5 pm, Wean Commons (UC): Sign your friends and enemies up to receive a Condomgram! (a discretely packaged assortment of scandalous candies, condoms, and lube!) 8 pm, Women's Center: Erotic Readings! Creative writing students are gunna freak you nasty with their erotic fiction and poetry! Friday, February 28 11am to 5 pm, Wean Commons (UC): Second chance to sign your friends and enemies up to receive a Condomgram! (a discretely packaged assortment of scandalous candies, condoms, and lube!) 12.30 pm, Class of 1987 room (UC): a brown bag lunch talk with Anita Barkin on The Biology of Good Sex! 7 pm, Women's Center: Come watch porn and talk about feminism and porn with Rad Alison from Pitt's Campus Women's Organization! 7:30 pm to 12 am (AB ticket table, outside McConomy): Last chance to sign up for Condomgrams!!! Saturday, March 1 6 pm, Dowd Room (UC): Learn how to love your lover's lower back at Massage Lessons! 7 pm, Women's Center: Rock out with local bands The Accident and Lorelei. They sing about sex! 8:30 pm, Women's Center: Play some sex games with us! We're talkin' X-Rated Pictionary, Kama Sutra Bingo, a Pick Up Lines contest and MORE! This is where the prizes are, baby! Monday, March 3 11am to 5pm, Wean Commons (UC): Woop! Come pick up your Condomgram!!! 12 pm, Peter/Wright Room (UC): Brown bag lunch talk led by the Sexual Assault Advisors on the psychology of healthy relationships 4:30 pm, Rangos 3 (UC): ORGASMS! workshop, discussion, and how-to on everything you ever wanted to know about orgasms - both male and female! led by Mary Jo Podgurski, a local sex educator. [note: this was moved from sunday at 1:30.. monday 4:30 is the new confirmed time!] 5:30 pm, Women's Center: Q&A with Wendi, a male-to-female transgendered person (AND CMU alum!) 7pm, Women's Center: Learn why popular menstrual products are bad bad bad for you! What else you can use! Learn to make your own pads! Learn about sex during your period! Talk about your period with other women! Stitch n Bitch! Tuesday, March 4 11am to 5 pm, Wean Commons: Last chance to pick up your Condomgram, bucco! 12:30 pm, Pake Room (UC): Brown bag lunch talk led by Allies about good and healthy queer sex 4:30 pm, Women's Center: Learn and talk with Becky Kluchin about current political crises in reproductive rights 7:30 pm, Rangos Hall (UC): Keynote lecture by Susie Bright, world-class sexpert, erotic writer, and performer |