Selected Publications (Selected from more than 150 publications
and patents) |
Reviews and Book Chapters
Taylor, M.J., and Brockbank, K.G.M. (2003):
“Frontiers in biopreservation technology: Challenges for the storage of living
tissues and engineered constructs.” In: Klatz,
R. and Goldman, R. (eds.), Anti-Aging Medical Therapeutics, Volume 5.
Chicago: A4M Publications, 2003:515-526. Article
(PDF 0.4MB)
Taylor, M.J., Song, Y.C. and Brockbank, K.G.M. (2004):
“Vitrification in Tissue Preservation: New Developments”. In: Benson, E.,
Fuller, B., and Lane, N. (eds.), Life in the Frozen State. London: CRC
Press LLC, Boca Raton, Pp 603-641. Article
(PDF 0.9MB)
Taylor, M.J., (2006): “Biology of Cell Survival in the
Cold: The Basis for Biopreservation of Tissues and Organs”. Ch 2. In: Baust,
J.G., and Baust, J.M. (eds)., Advances in
Biopreservation. Boca Raton. CRC – Taylor &Francis. Pp 15-62. Article
(PDF 1.6MB)
Brockbank, K.G. and Taylor, M.J.
(2006): “Tissue Preservation”. Ch 8. In: Baust, J.G., and Baust, J.M. (eds), Advances in Biopreservation. Boca Raton. CRC –
Taylor &Francis. Pp 157-196. Article
(PDF 2.5MB)
Taylor M.J. (2007): “Hypothermia”. In: Fink, G.,
(Editor-in-Chief) Encyclopedia of Stress, 2nd Edition, Volume
2, Pp 428-438. Oxford: Academic Press. Article
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Taylor, M.J. (2007): Hypothermic Blood Substitution:
Special considerations for protection of cells during ex vivo and in vivo
preservation. Transfusion Med and Hemother,
34:226-244. Article
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Taylor, M.J., & Baicu, S. (2009): Review of vitreous
islet cryopreservation: Some practical issues and their resolution. Organogenesis,
5(3):155-166. Article
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Publications with Mechanical Engineering Faculty
Rabin, Y., Steif, P.S., Taylor, M.J.,
Julian, T.B., Wolmark, N. (1996): An experimental study of the mechanical
response of frozen biological tissues at cryogenic temperatures. Cryobiology,
33:472-482. Article
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Rabin, Y., Olson, P., Taylor, M.J.,
Steif, P.S., Julian, T.B., Wolmark, N. (1997): Gross damage accumulation in
frozen rabbit liver due to mechanical stress at cryogenic temperatures. Cryobiology,
34:394-405. Article
(PDF 1.9MB)
Rabin, Y., Taylor, M.J., Wolmark, N.
(1998): Thermal expansion measurements of frozen biological tissues at
cryogenic temperatures. ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering,
120(2):259-266. Article
(PDF 1.6MB)
Rabin, Y., Julian, T.B., Olson, P., Taylor,
M.J., Wolmark, N. (1998): Evaluation of post cryosurgery injury in a sheep
breast model using the vital stain 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride. CryoLetters,
19(4):255-262. Article
(PDF 2.6MB)
Rabin, Y., Julian, T.B., Olson, P., Taylor,
M.J., Wolmark, N. (1999): Long-term follow-up post-cryosurgery in a sheep
breast model. Cryobiology, 39:29-46. Article
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Rabin, Y., Julian, T.B., Olson, P., Taylor,
M.J., Wolmark, N. (1999): Cryosurgery for breast malignancies: apparatus
and techniques. In: Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer in Biotechnology. ASME
IMECE 1999, Nashville, Tennessee. HTD-Vol. 363, BED-Vol. 44, pp. 65-70 Article
(PDF 1.6MB)
Rabin, Y., Taylor, M.J., Walsh, J.R.,
Baicu, S., Steif, P.S. (2005): Cryomacroscopy of vitrification, Part I: A
prototype and experimental observations on the cocktails VS55 and DP6, Cell
Preservation Technology, 3(3):169-183 Article
(PDF 1.3MB)
Steif, P.S., Palastro,
M., Wen, C.R., Baicu, S., Taylor, M.J., Rabin, Y. (2005): Cryomacroscopy
of vitrification, Part II: Experimental observations and analysis of fracture
formation in vitrified VS55 and DP6, Cell Preservation Technology,
3(3):184-200 Article
(PDF 1.6MB)
Baicu, S., Taylor, M.J., Chen, Z.,
Rabin, Y. (2006): Vitrification of carotid artery segments: An integrated study
of thermophysical events and functional recovery towards scale-up for clinical
applications. Cell Preservation Technology, 4(4):236-244 Article
(PDF 5.6MB)
Baicu, S., Taylor, M.J., Chen, Z.,
Rabin Y. (2008): Cryopreservation of carotid artery segments via vitrification
subject to marginal thermal conditions: Correlation of freezing visualization
with functional recovery. Cryobiology, 58:1-8 Article
(PDF 0.7MB)
Tissue and Organ Preservation (Since 2000)
Song, Y.C., Khirabadi,
B.S., Lightfoot, F.G., Brockbank, K.G.M., and Taylor, M.J. (2000):
Vitreous cryopreservation maintains the function of vascular
grafts. Nature Biotechnology, 18:296-299. Article
(PDF 4.7MB)
Song, Y.C., Hagen, P.O., Lightfoot,
F.G., Taylor, M.J., Smith, A.C., and Brockbank, K.G. (2000): In
vivo evaluation of the effects of a new ice-free cryopreservation process on
autologous vascular grafts. J Invest Surg,
13:5:279-288. Article
(PDF 8.8MB)
Ikonomovic, M., Kelly, K.M., Hentosz,
T.M., Shih, S.R., Armstrong, D.M., and Taylor, M.J. (2001): Ultraprofound Cerebral Hypothermia and Blood Substitution
with an Acellular Synthetic Solution Maintains
Neuronal Viability in Rat Hippocampus. CryoLetters, 22:19-26. Article
(PDF 3.1MB)
Taylor, M.J., Campbell, L.H., Rutledge, R.N., and
Brockbank, K.G.M. (2001): Comparison of unisol
with euro-collins solution as a vehicle solution for
cryoprotectants. Transplantation Proc., 33:1-2:677-679. Article
(PDF 0.8MB)
Baicu, S. and Taylor, M.J. (2002):
Acid-base buffering in organ preservation solutions as a function of
temperature: New parameters for comparing buffer capacity and efficiency. Cryobiology,
45:33-48. Article
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Song,Y.C., Lightfoot, F.G., Chen, Z., Taylor, M.J.,
and Brockbank, K.G.M. (2003): Vitreous Preservation of Rabbit Articular
Cartilage. Cell Preservation Technology, 2(1):67-74. Article
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Baicu S.C., Simmons, B.A., Campbell,
L.H., Taylor, M.J., and Brockbank, K.G.M. (2004): Interstitial fluid
analysis for assessment of organ function. Clinical Transplantation
18(suppl.12):16-21. Article
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Taylor, M.J., Rhee, P., Chen, Z., and Alam,
H.B. (2005): Design of preservation solutions for universal tissue preservation
in vivo: demonstration of efficacy in pre-clinical models of profound
hypothermic cardiac arrest. Transpl. Proc.,
37:303-307. Article
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Baicu S.C., Taylor M.J.,
Brockbank K.G.M. (2006): The role of preservation solution on acid-base
regulation during machine perfusion of kidneys. Clin.
Transplant., 20:113-121. Article (PDF
Baicu, S., Taylor, M.J.,
Brockbank, K.G.M. (2007): Modulating biochemical perturbations during 72-hour
machine perfusion of kidneys: role of preservation solution. Cryobiology,
54:114-120. Article
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Taylor, M.J., Baicu, S., Leman, B., Greene, E., Vazquez,
A., Brassil, J. (2008): 24-hour hypothermic machine
perfusion preservation of porcine pancreas facilitates processing for islet
isolation. Transplant Proc., 40:480-482. Article
(PDF 0.1MB)
Weegman, B.P., Taylor, M.J., Baicu, S.C.,
Scott III, W.E., Mueller, K.R., Kitzman, J.D., Rizzari, M.D., Papas, K.K. Hypothermic Perfusion
Preservation of Pancreas for islet grafts: validation using a split Lobe
Porcine Model. Cell Medicine: part B Cell Transplantation. In press. Article
(PDF 0.4MB)
Taylor, M.J., Baicu, S.C., Greene, E., Vazquez, A., Brassil, J. (2010). Islet Isolation From Juvenile Porcine
Pancreas After 24-Hour Hypothermic Machine Perfusion Preservation. Cell
Transplantation, 19:613-628. Article
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Taylor, M.J., Baicu, S.C. (2010). Current State of
Hypothermic Machine Perfusion Preservation of Organs:The
Clinical Perspective. Cryobiology, 60(3S):S20-S35. Article
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Taylor, M.J., Baicu, S.C. (2011). Hypothermic Perfusion of
Pancreas: Emphasis on Preservation prior to Islet Isolation. In: Uygun K, Lee CY, editors. Organ Preservation and
Reengineering. Boston: Artech House Publisher,
85-104. Article
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Taylor, M.J., Baicu, S.C. (2011). Cryo-isolation: A Novel
new Method for Enzyme-Free Isolation of Pancreatic Islets Involving In Situ
Cryopreservation of Islets and Selective Destruction of Acinar
Tissue. Tranplant Proc,
43(9):3181-3183. Article
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Suszynski, T.M., Rizzari, M.D., Scott III, W.E., Tempelman,
L.A., Taylor, M.J., Papas, K.K. (2012): Persufflation
(or Gaseous Oxygen Perfusion) as a Method of Organ Preservation. Cryobiology.
In press. Article
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Taylor, M.J., Baicu, S.C. (2013). Non‐Enzymatic
Cryogenic Isolation of Therapeutic Cells: Novel Approach for Enzyme‐Free
Isolation of Pancreatic Islets Using In Situ Cryopreservation of Islets and
Concurrent Selective Freeze Destruction of Acinar
Tissue. Cell Transplantation. Article
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the Biothermal Technology Laboratory