Alpha Phi Omega Kappa Chapter, Carnegie Mellon

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Article III --- Meetings and Ceremonies

III.A. Regular Meetings
III.A.1. Business meetings of the Chapter (``Regular Meetings'') shall be held at least once every two (2) weeks during the Semester
III.A.2. The dates and times of the Regular Meetings must be set no later than the last Regular Meeting of the previous Semester.

III.B. Special Meetings
III.B.1. Special Meetings may be called by the President or by the Chairman of the Advisory Committee.
III.B.2. Notice of the date, time and purpose of the Special Meeting must be given to the Chapter Active Membership no later than 48 hours prior to the time of the meeting.

III.C. Service Projects
Any person may attend any Service Project held by the Chapter or any subsidiary body.

III.D. Fellowship Events
III.D.1. All persons are invited to any Fellowship Event held by the Chapter or any subsidiary body, unless otherwise specified by the Chapter.
III.D.2. Brothers suspended by their respective chapters shall not be invited.
III.D.3. The Chapter may adopt other criteria for issuing invitations to Fellowship Events, so long as at least a three-fourths (3/4) vote is required to deny an invitation to a Brother.

III.E. Open Meetings
Any person may attend any Meeting held by the Chapter or any subsidiary body, unless the Meeting in question has been designated as a Closed Meeting.

III.F. Closed Meetings
III.F.1. The Chapter may at any time designate a meeting or a part of a meeting to be a Closed Meeting by a majority vote.
III.F.2. Only Brothers may attend Closed Meetings without a special invitation from the Chapter.
III.F.3. Only the outcomes and final decisions entered in the minutes of a Closed Meeting are to be discussed outside of that Closed Meeting.

III.G. Pledging Ceremony
III.G.1. The Chapter shall conduct one Pledging Ceremony each Semester, on the Friday of the fifth full or partial week of classes during the Semester.
III.G.2. In the case of a schedule conflict the Chapter may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote prior to the first day of classes of the Semester, change the date of the Pledging Ceremony to a date no more than three (3) days before or after the original date.
III.G.3. In the case of an emergency, the Pledgemaster may schedule an Alternate Pledging Ceremony to be held within seven (7) days of the Pledging Ceremony. This Alternate Pledging Ceremony must be scheduled prior to the next Regular Meeting.

III.H. Pledge Bid Meeting
A Closed Meeting for the purpose of extending invitations for Pledge Membership and for conferring Transfer Membership shall be held immediately following the last Regular Meeting at least four (4) days before the Pledging Ceremony.

III.I. Initiation Ceremony
III.I.1. The Chapter shall conduct one Initiation Ceremony each Semester, to be held on the day ten weeks after the Pledging Ceremony, not counting weeks in which no classes or exams are held.
III.I.2. In the case of a schedule conflict the Chapter may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote prior to the end of the second week of the Pledging Period, change the date of the Initiation Ceremony to a date no more than three (3) days before or after the original date.
III.I.3. In the case of an extreme emergency, the Pledgemaster may schedule an Alternate Initiation Ceremony to be held within seven (7) days of the Initiation Ceremony.. This Alternate Initiation Ceremony must be scheduled prior to the next Regular Meeting.

III.J. Initiation Bid Meeting
A Closed Meeting for the purpose of extending invitations for Active Membership to Pledge Members and Chapter Transfer Members shall be held immediately following the last Regular Meeting at least three (3) days before the Initiation Ceremony.

III.K. Installation Ceremony
The Chapter shall conduct an Installation Ceremony for all newly-elected Officers at the conclusion of the Initiation Ceremony each Semester.

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Modified: September 10, 2008