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Article X --- Vacant Offices

X.A. Declaring Offices Vacant
If an officer is impeached, resigns, or becomes ineligible to hold an office, the office shall immediately become vacant.

X.B. Presidential Succession
X.B.1. If the office of President is vacant the Service Vice President shall immediately assume the office of President until the expiration of the President's term of office.
X.B.2. If both the offices of President and Service Vice President are vacant the Membership Vice President shall immediately assume the office of President until the expiration of the President's term of office.
X.B.3. If the offices of President, Service Vice President, and Membership Vice President are vacant, the Fellowship Vice President shall immediately assume the office of President until the expiration of the President's term of office.
X.B.4. If the offices of President, Service Vice President, Membership Vice President, and Fellowship Vice President are all vacant, the Chairman of the Advisory Committee shall ensure that the President's duties are carried out, and shall preside at a special election for all vacant offices at the beginning of the next Regular Meeting.

X.C. Other Vacancies
X.C.1. In the event that an elected office other than President is vacant, the President shall appoint an eligible Member as a temporary replacement until such time as a special election can be completed.
X.C.2. After the appointment of a temporary replacement, nominations shall be accepted at the next Regular Meeting, and a special election shall be held at the following Regular Meeting in order to elect an eligible member as a successor to finish the unexpired term of a vacant office.

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Modified: September 10, 2008