The following positions shall be appointed in order to
aid in the execution of chapter operations. Positions not listed here may
be appointed at the discretion of the President.
Sergeant at Arms
The Sergeant at Arms shall:
1. be responsible for all physical
properties of the Chapter and the security thereof;
2. maintain all ceremonial equipment in a
safe and secure fashion;
3. maintain a well trained ritual team;
4. acquire meeting rooms for Chapter meetings
and ceremonies;
5. perform all other duties the President
may require.
Alumni Relations Coordinator
The Alumni Relations Coordinator shall:
1. maintain an up to date permanent
record of the Alumni Members of the Chapter;
2. encourage participation of Alumni
Members in Chapter activities;
3. regularly inform all Chapter Alumni
Members about Chapter activities;
4. coordinate with local alumni
5. perform all other duties the President
may require.
The Historian shall:
1. document events of the Chapter;
2. create a Chapter Scrapbook, or other
record, documenting their term of office;
3. preserve the knowledge of Chapter
4. maintain a permanent record of
information on activities of individual Members which
are of historical interest;
5. perform all other duties the President
may require.
Accounts Maintainer
The Accounts Maintainer shall maintian the
information stored on the chapter's Andrew accounts,
including but not limited to:
1. archiving or removing out of date
2. organizing files and directories;
3. keeping access rights up to date;
4. keeping dlists for chapter projects up to
5. changing the chapter's password on a regular
Web Maintainer
The web maintainer shall keep the website up to date
with informatoin pertaining to:
1. chapter membership;
2. meeting times and locations;
3. upcoming chapter events;
4. official chapter documents (bylaws and
5. chapter contact information.
As adopted March 17, 2002
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