Student Assignments
Discussion Questions
Each week you will be assigned readings in the core texts for the course; you will be expected to prepare answers to several discussion questions based on those reading, prior to class. You will use your prepared answers as reference during class discussion and then turn them in at the end of class. Following are guidelines for preparing these answers:
q Prepare clear and
succinct answers; use an outline form if you wish, so long as the key concepts
are conveyed
q Implement critical
thinking; analyze the readings
q Prepare answers on one
page only
q Do not use a cover sheet
q Answers must be
mechanically processed (typewriter or computer)
Required Texts Crosby: Quality is Free
Walton: The Deming Management Method
Juran: Quality by Design
Project Report
During the course, each student will submit an individually developed analysis of the application of an MQI technique in an actual work environment. Each student will choose a MQI technique, which has been review in class, and apply it in a real situation in work or school. Your project report will have two elements, as describe below. Students are encouraged to identify a technique and a process early in the semester and submit a one-paragraph prospectus by Session 6.
Report Elements
q The setting/environment
in which the process takes place
q The MQI techniques
q The process used to
introduce and apply the technique
q The outcomes of applying
the MQI technique
q How the MQI technique
affected the problem-solving process
q How the technique was
accepted by the group
q How the work process was
q What you learned about
the technique and its application
Note: the application of the technique does not have to be successful; if it is not, explain what impeded it effectiveness, and what might have been done to improve it implementation.