Session #1: Course
in Management Theory
Required Reading:
Session Objectives:
1. Identify major trends in management theory
2. Identify continuities of these trends with quality improvement theory
3. Identify uniqueness of quality improvement theory
4. Identify roles in group/team functioning
5. Understand the value of team decision-making
Additional References/Resources:
Synergistic Decision-Making
Process Technique:
Group Simulation
Session #2: Management
and Quality
Required Reading:
Crosby: Quality is Free, pages 1-136
Study Questions:
1. What is a quality requirement and who defines it? Provide an example of a quality requirement in your daily work and explain how is it defined.
2. What role does management, according to Crosby, have in providing a quality focus in the workplace? Do you agree?
3. Referring to the categories on page 103 which identify the fully-loaded costs of poor quality, identify one actual example, from your work or school environment, of each of the seven categories.
4. Conduct a candid self-assessment of your management style (refer to page 124). Do not turn in, but keep for reference.
Session Objectives:
1. Identify the role of quality improvement in an organization's effectiveness
2. Identify management responsibilities in designing and implementing quality initiatives
3. Develop a process flow and a cause and effect diagram to identify variation in processes
4. Identify methods of enhancing interactive participation in small groups
Additional References/Resources:
Samples of process flows and cause and effect diagrams from quality improvement teams
Analytical Skills Exercise:
1. Understand and develop a process flow and a cause and effect diagram
Process Technique:
1. Use nominal group process and multi-voting to obtain group consensus
Session #3: Principles of Quality Management
Required Reading:
Crosby: Quality is Free, pages 137-222
Study Questions:
1. What is the practical difference between Acceptable Quality Level and Zero Defects?
Which is most easy to apply in practice? Why?
2. Prepare a high level process flow of a work or personal process for class presentation and analysis.
Session Objectives:
1. Identify the core principles of a Quality Improvement program
2. Use run, pie and bar charts to visually organize and analyze data
3. Identify methods of arraying and presenting data.
Additional References/Resources:
Samples of run, pie and bar charts from quality improvement teams
Analytical Skills Exercise:
1. Review process flows and cause and effect diagrams
2. Array a set of data in the most appropriate display
3. Synthesize data analysis with a short fact.
Process Technique:
1. Complete an opportunity statement regarding the education process at CMU.
Session #4: Deming's
14 Points and 7 Deadly Diseases
Required Reading:
Crosby: Quality is Free, pages 222-249
Study Questions:
1. Define “working definition” and provide an example?
2. What are the practical advantages of a "make certain program?" How would you apply such a program in your work environment?
3. Develop a run, pie or bar chart for class presentation and analysis.
Session Objectives:
1. Identify management's responsibility in the design and implementation of quality initiatives.
2. Identify and apply Deming's 14 Points to practical experiences
3. Identify and apply Deming's 7 diseases to practical experience
4. Apply the principles of Pareto analysis in problem identification
Additional References/Resources:
Sample Pareto charts from quality improvement teams
Analytical Skills Exercise:
1. Develop a Pareto diagram using a prepared case study
2. Draw conclusions based on data analysis
3. Identify opportunities for the application of Pareto analysis.
Process Technique:
1. Use Deming's Blue Bead exercise to illustrate the 14 Points and 7 Diseases
Session #5:
Required Reading: The Scientific Method - Process Improvement Models
Walton: The Deming Management Method, pages 1-95
Study Questions:
1. Using your work/academic environment as a reference, rate that environment on a scale of 1-4 (low-high) in terms of the current implementation of each of Deming's 14 points.
2. Select two elements with low scores and identify current barriers to change.
Session Objectives:
1. Analyze Deming's 14 Points in work/academic environments
2. Identify the use of the scientific method as the structure for problem solving
3. Integrate the use of several models for structuring a problem-solving process
4. Apply the three strategic questions to analyze improvement efforts
5. Apply the analysis technique of scatter diagrams to understand the relationship between
two variables.
Additional References/Resources:
Nolan And Batalden, MD: Knowledge
for the Leadership of Continual Improvement in
Langley, K. Nolan and T. Nolan: Foundation for Improvement (Part 1 and 2)
Analytical Skills Exercise:
1. Develop a scatter diagram using a prepared case study
2. Draw conclusions based on data analysis
3. Identify opportunities for the application of scatter diagrams.
Process Technique:
1. Application of Nolan questions in daily work
Session #6: Learning Organizations - Mission, Vision and Values
Required Reading:
Walton: The Deming Management Method, pages 96-170
Study Questions:
1. In each of the selected cases (Taurus, Windsor Export, Growth Opportunity Alliance,
Malden Mills) which one or two of Deming's 14 points appear to have had the greatest contributions to positive change? What evidence do you find for this case?
2. What are the key characteristics of a "Demingized" corporation? (Draw examples from case studies in your reading)
Session Objectives:
1. Identify the qualities and characteristics of a Learning Organization
2. Identify the role of mission, vision and values in defining organizational purpose and alignment
3. Apply the concept visioning to establish the foundation for continuous improvement
4. Use a histograms diagram to show relationships between similar data elements
5. Apply the theory and control chart techniques to situational data
Additional References/Resources:
Keifer, Senge: The Metanoic Organizations: Experiments in Organizational Innovation
Senge: Leadership in Metanoic Organizations
Samples of organizational and quality improvement team visions
Analytical Skills Exercise:
1. Apply of histograms diagram and control chart techniques
Process Technique:
1. Visioning exercise
Session #7: Team Learning/Group Dynamics
Required Reading:
Juran: Quality by Design, pages 1-115
Study Questions:
1. Differentiate, with specific examples, among quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement. Are these three implemented in your work environment (describe)?
2. How is "field intelligence" applied to the improvement of quality? How can the acquisition of field intelligence be enhanced?
Project Prospectus Due
Session Objectives:
1. Identify the critical elements of teamwork and group behavior
2. Identify the behavior characteristics that reflect attitudes toward change - sources of resistance
3. Identify and apply the "ladder of inference" that make up our perceptions and beliefs
4. Surface individual perceptions using the left hand exercise
Additional References/Resources:
Senge: The Fifth Discipline
Agris: The Defensive Organization
Boehm: On Dialogue
Analytical Skills Exercise:
1. Use and apply various models for change
Process Technique:
1. Exploring the use of the "left hand exercise" as a way to surface perceptions
Session #8: Implementing
Required Reading:
Juran: Quality by Design, pages 116-217
Study Questions:
1. Select a problem from the work/academic environment. Select a "level" from the Pyramid of Units of Measure from which you will measure improvements in the process where the problem occurs.
2. Select a specific measure; evaluate this measure in terms of the "Ideal Unit of
Measure," does it meet the suggested criteria?
Session Objectives:
1. Identify the characteristics of organizations that are successful in applying quality improvement principles
2. Identify the key elements needed to design and implement the tools and methods, strategy and the culture required for continuous improvement
3. Identify the purpose and use of Hoshin Planning tools
4. Use an affinity diagram to identify and categorize lists of elements
5. Use an interrelationship digraph and radar chart to focus improvement efforts
Additional References/Resources:
Michael Brassard: The Memory Jogger Plus+
Analytical Skills Exercise:
1. Overview of the theory and tools use in the Hoshin Planning Process
Process Technique:
1. Construction of an Affinity Diagram, Interrelationship Diagram, and Radar chart
Session #9: Primacy
of the Customer - Understanding Customer Wants, Needs and Expectations
Required Reading:
Juran: Quality by Design, pages 218-298
Study Questions:
1. What methods may be used to measure the capability of a process?
2. Using actual work/academic processes, identify: error-proofing techniques, capability measures and dominant variables
Session Objectives:
1. Identify the primary customer of a product, service or process
2. Design a data collection process/methods used in understanding customer wants, needs and expectations
3. Apply the concept of process capability
4. Use decision-making techniques to identify solutions for process improvement, e.g., decision matrix, paired analysis, etc.
5. Apply the force field analysis techniques for implementing change
Additional References/Resources:
Michael Brassard: The Memory Jogger Plus+
Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles: Raving Fans
Analytical Skills Exercise:
1. Apply of decision-making techniques for solution selection
Process Technique:
1. Explore the use of a force field analysis to determine drivers and barriers to change
Session #10: The
Five Learning Disciplines
Required Reading:
Juran: Quality by Design, pages 299-406
Study Questions:
1. What is a macroprocess? Provide several examples from your work/academic environment.
2. The SQM approach is a top-down model for planning quality improvement. What is your personal perspective on the consistency of this approach with the principles of quality improvement?
Session Objectives:
1. Identify the elements of a learning organization
2. Identify organization learning disabilities
3. Identify leadership characteristics required in a learning organization
4. Identify the criteria needed to create a learning organization
5. Apply creativity techniques to generate ideas for change
6. Integrate the use of creativity and innovation to shift paradigms
Additional References/Resources:
Senge: The Fifth Discipline
Keifer, Senge: The Metanoic Organizations: Experiments in Organizational Innovation
Senge: Leadership in Metanoic Organizations
Analytical Skills Exercise:
Process Technique:
1. Exploring a variety of creativity techniques, e.g., brain writing, visual connections, idea mapping, nature quest, etc.
Session #11: Building
the Quality Infrastructure
Required Reading:
Juran: Quality by Design, pages 407-501
Study Questions:
1. What are the key elements of a quality audit?
2. What do you think are the critical variables for the success of a quality audit?
3. Why might you implement a quality audit in your work place?
Session Objectives:
1. Identify the elements that compose a quality infrastructure and implementation plan
2. Identify critical steps in strategic quality planning and management
3. Link quality management with institutional strategic planning
4. Identify critical processes needed to manage improvement efforts
5. Identify principle of education and learning that influence quality improvement processes
Additional References/Resources:
Malcolm Baldridge Award Criteria
Analytical Skills Exercise:
1. Conducting a quality audit
Process Technique:
1. Baldridge Award case study
Session #12/13: Systems
Session Objectives:
1. Identify the elements that comprise the organization as a system
2. Apply system thinking tools and methods using a simulated learning experience
3. Apply system archetypes to school/work related problems
Additional References/Resources:
Senge: The Fifth Discipline
Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross and Smith: The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook
Innovation Associates: System Thinking
Application of system thinking tools and methods: case study, Zorg's Cave
Analytical Skills Exercise:
1. Apply of and understand the system thinking tools
Process Technique:
1. Explore the use of system thinking tools through direct application
Session #14: Synthesis/Project
Review and Evaluation
Session Objectives:
1. Use of team learning as part of completion of project assignments
2. Provide examples of skills and techniques that are most applicable at each stage of the quality improvement process
3. Clarify major questions or concerns regarding the principles and application of quality improvement
4. Recognize achievements by course participants
5. Evaluate the course and identify improvements for future offerings