Hullo and welcome to the Indian Graduate Students Council
website. Want to know more about this IGSC [which sounds so much like
an Indian research/academic organization] thingie? Well, do check out the
copious navigation menu at the top.
Also, check out the BBoard, which while disturbingly similar to "be bored" phonetically, is actually a neat thing. Do you want to play RaquetBall today evening - and all your friends have all of their noses in their books and/or comp screens? Do you want to schedule a Badminton game every wednesday, but are surrounded by lazy bums who collapse into shivers at the sound of the word "schedule"? Well - the BBoard is for you. Just post to the Bulletin Board, and fix up games/trips/bungee-jumps with like minded IGS's.
IGSC also organizes events like mixers, pot luck parties et al regularly. Check out the Whats New and Events links on the navigation menu for the latest info on the events coming up and other information...
Email comments, suggestions, yadayada about the web
to pradeepr[AT]