Campus Email Infrastructures

Document revision: 0.2 - 6/18/2004
pardon my expedient html

General Point

In early April 2004, Microsoft contacted a couple of Higher Ed guys looking to talk to some campus email folks about opinions on Caller-ID. RL "Bob" Morgan thought that these opinions might be at least as interesting to the other Higher Ed email folks as they were to Microsoft (especially since there are competing ideas). So at Bob's prompting, I posted the question to a few people (I had addresses for) to ask whether they also thought this might be a good idea.

Making a long story short, Bob and I found a few folks and they've created an email list for "us" to talk to each other about these issues. Information and subscription details can be found at this hied-emailadmin link.


  1. Is this list limited to CSG institutions?

    No, but we had to start somewhere, and we started with the folks on the CSG list plus the folks on the Internet2 SALSA list. The eventual scope will be dependent on the opinions of the people interested enough to manage the activity.

  2. Is this discussion limited to Windows and Exchange Email interest?

    Absolutely not. Please refer to the list description and archives for more information.

0.1  - poepping    - 04/14/2004 - Initial draft
0.2  - poepping    - 06/18/2004 - Update (and tombstone) for referral to list at

Obligatory Disclaimer: Whatever you find here is generally out of date. Related links often will contain intermediate information and half-baked results.   Nothing you find here should be construed as official policy of Computing Services, nor as the canonical voice of current ideologies.  If you're looking for official policy, please refer to the Computing Services Website, or drop a note to advisor or me.