Network Security: Network Security and Network Protocols


  • DDoS
    • Explain why Denial of Service is a challenge
    • Understand Denial-of-Service attacks and defenses
  • Network Protocols
    • Understand security protocol design goals
    • Appreciate difficulty of protocol design
    • Internalize best practices
    • Understand properties and limitations of standard protocols



  • Why is DoS orthogonal to the secrecy and integrity goals we focused on in the crypto unit?
  • Why do people launch DoS attacks?
  • What makes DDoS a hard problem?


  • How can we categorize DoS attacks?
  • Give some examples of DoS attacks at different layers of the network stack
  • Explain how SYN floods work
  • What is an amplification attack?


  • How can we categorize DoS defenses?
  • How/why do SYN cookies work?
  • How can CAPTCHAs help?
  • How do CDS help?

Network Protocols

Protocol Basics

  • What properties do security protocols provide?
  • What is a typical adversary model?
  • What properties might we expect from an authentication protocol?

Protocol Flaws

  • How does the Needham-Schroeder attack work?
  • How does a type-flaw attack work?
  • How can an adversary exploit parallel sessions to attack a protocol?
  • What are the core design principles for creating a secure protocol?
  • Should you design your own protocol?
  • What tools are available to vet security protocols?


  • What are the security goals for TLS?
  • Where is it used?
  • Why is it so complex?
  • Explain the different phases of the TLS handshake
  • What assumptions are necessary for TLS to be secure?
  • How secure is TLS in practice?