Software Security: Execution Semantics and Buffer Overflows
- Basic Execution Model
- Compiler workflow
- Register/memory move and addressing modes
- Control flow
- Program Memory Organization
- Functions
- Simulate the execution of x64 assembly
Execution Semantics
- How does high-level code become machine code?
- What is the basic processor execution model?
- What are the different register addressing modes?
- How can you distinguish AT&T vs Intel syntax?
- AT&T: Look for percent signs, dollar signs, and parentheses
- Intel: Look for square braces and fewer annotation symbols
- Memory addressing
- Endianness
- How can you read and interpret control flow in assembly?
- Memory layout
- What problems do calling conventions solve?
- Just a convention!
- Details of System V AMD64 ABI
- Need to be able to read assembly and simulate execution