Securing Software: Languages


  • Verification
    • Identify strengths, weaknesses, and use cases for verification
    • What are some limitations?
  • Dafny
    • Basic language constructs
    • Be prepared to verify a program in recitation
  • Software Analysis Overview
    • Understand the tradeoffs between different forms of analysis


  • How has verification been used in the academic world?

  • Dafny

    • What kinds of properties is Dafny designed to verify?
    • How do Dafny methods differ from Dafny functions?
    • How does Dafny handle assertions?
    • How does Dafny handle loops?


  • What are the advantages (and disadvantages) of different methods for finding vulnerabilities?
    1. Human inspection
    2. Programmatic testing
    3. Randomized testing
    4. Static analysis
    5. Dynamic analysis
    6. Model checking