Web Server Statistics for Carnegie Mellon User/Course Web Server

Program started on Sun, Jan 29 2017 at 6:00 AM.
Analyzed requests from Sat, Jan 28 2017 at 12:00 AM to Sat, Jan 28 2017 at 11:59 PM (1.00 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Successful requests: 182,068
Average successful requests per day: 182,193
Successful requests for pages: 121,629
Average successful requests for pages per day: 121,712
Failed requests: 126,680
Redirected requests: 2,072
Distinct files requested: 60,147
Distinct hosts served: 10,954
Corrupt logfile lines: 1,328
Data transferred: 29.21 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 29.23 gigabytes

Daily Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Each unit (+) represents 4,000 requests for pages or part thereof.

     date:  #reqs: #pages: 
---------: ------: ------: 
Jan/28/17: 182068: 121629: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest day: Jan/28/17 (121,629 requests for pages).

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Each unit (+) represents 200 requests for pages or part thereof.

hour: #reqs: #pages: 
----: -----: ------: 
   0:  8131:   5243: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   1:  7329:   5019: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   2:  6627:   4580: +++++++++++++++++++++++
   3:  6723:   4718: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
   4:  7084:   5672: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   5:  7269:   5270: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   6:  6046:   4289: ++++++++++++++++++++++
   7:  6756:   4518: +++++++++++++++++++++++
   8:  7917:   5427: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   9:  6512:   4570: +++++++++++++++++++++++
  10:  7149:   4863: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
  11:  7402:   4997: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
  12:  7986:   4864: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
  13: 12364:   7461: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  14:  8428:   5974: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  15:  7192:   4975: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
  16:  7832:   5836: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  17:  7393:   4976: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
  18:  7139:   4813: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
  19:  7345:   4831: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
  20:  8030:   5328: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  21:  8291:   4929: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
  22:  7044:   4179: +++++++++++++++++++++
  23:  8079:   4297: ++++++++++++++++++++++

Host Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing the top 50 hosts by the number of requests, sorted alphabetically.

#reqs: %bytes: host
-----: ------: ----
  194:  0.07%:
 2409:  2.32%:
  203:  0.30%:
 1370:  0.60%:
 1376:  0.64%:
  819:  0.36%:
 1398:  0.13%:
  242:       :
  223:       :
  202:       :
 1178:  1.25%:
  560:  0.65%:
  239:  0.66%:
 1369:  2.12%:
  629:  0.71%:
  258:  0.40%:
  458:       :
  504:       :
  480:       :
  216:  0.05%:
 3959:  7.37%:
  229:  0.02%:
 1398:  0.71%:
  623:  0.06%:
 2389:  2.65%:
  520:  0.52%:
  738:  3.08%:
  730:  1.64%:
  419:  0.04%:
  227:  0.19%:
  576:  0.01%:
 3331:  0.71%:
 1002:  0.33%:
34561:  0.03%:
34560:  0.03%:
  741:  3.12%:
  841:  0.45%:
  622:  0.20%:
 1146:  0.60%:
22627:  5.11%:
  578:  0.01%:
  195:  0.01%:
  194:       :
  258:  0.05%:
  215:  0.01%:
  300:  3.20%:
  292:  0.15%:
 3766:  0.22%:
 2534:  0.15%:
  314:  0.24%:
47856: 58.82%: [not listed: 10,904 hosts]

Organization Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing the top 20 organizations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 #: #pages: %pages: #reqs:  %reqs: organization
--: ------: ------: -----: ------: ------------
 1:  71309: 58.63%: 74184: 40.75%: 128.2
 2:  16480: 13.55%: 23249: 12.77%: 163.172
 3:   6237:  5.13%:  6300:  3.46%: 216.244
 4:   2682:  2.21%:  5848:  3.21%: 66.249
 5:   2321:  1.91%:  3961:  2.18%: 68.180
 6:   2265:  1.86%:  3622:  1.99%: 40
 7:   1589:  1.31%:  2983:  1.64%: 5
 8:   1818:  1.49%:  2598:  1.43%: 180.76
 9:   1239:  1.02%:  2504:  1.38%: 91
10:    552:  0.45%:  2414:  1.33%: 73
11:    482:  0.40%:  2120:  1.16%: 128.237
12:   1510:  1.24%:  2010:  1.10%: 50
13:   1199:  0.99%:  1810:  0.99%: 157.55
14:    885:  0.73%:  1685:  0.93%: 77
15:    351:  0.29%:  1110:  0.61%: 71
16:     73:  0.06%:   993:  0.55%: 96
17:     44:  0.04%:   965:  0.53%: 95
18:    517:  0.43%:   885:  0.49%: 141.8
19:     29:  0.02%:   827:  0.45%: 79
20:    717:  0.59%:   770:  0.42%: 52
  :   9330:  7.67%: 41230: 22.65%: [not listed: 2,494 organizations]

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 #: #pages: %pages:  #reqs:  %reqs: %bytes: domain
--: ------: ------: ------: ------: ------: ------
 1: 121629:   100%: 182068:   100%:   100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing the top 50 files by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 #: #reqs:  %reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: file
--: -----: ------: ------: ------: ----
 1: 34561: 18.98%:   0.01:  0.03%: /f5-http.html
 2: 34561: 18.98%:   0.01:  0.03%: /f5-https.html
 3:  3393:  1.86%:   0.01:  0.05%: /
 4:  2242:  1.23%:   4.11: 14.06%: /course/48-568/PDFs/3D_AutoCAD.pdf
 5:  1462:  0.80%:   0.00:  0.01%: /user/imisra/gpuusage-latedays.html
 6:  1420:  0.78%:   0.04:  0.13%: /user/shc17/
 7:  1225:  0.67%:   0.04:  0.15%: /user/rvalle/hsquiz/hsquiz.html
 8:   794:  0.44%:   0.11:  0.39%: /user/ramesh/teaching/course/48-749/doc/Lecture_1.pdf
 9:   554:  0.30%:   0.31:  1.06%: /course/48-568/PDFs/AutoCAD3D_2007.pdf
10:   462:  0.25%:   1.43:  4.89%: /course/48-125/IDM2/HANDOUTS_files/Rhino Level 1 v4.pdf
11:   453:  0.25%:   0.12:  0.40%: /user/rvalle/hsquiz/godtierbig.gif
12:   449:  0.25%:   0.01:  0.02%: /course/53-610/experience.html
13:   432:  0.24%:   0.08:  0.26%: /user/ramesh/teaching/course/48-175/lectures/9.ShadesAndShadows.pdf
14:   429:  0.24%:   0.00:       : /robots.txt
15:   342:  0.19%:   0.02:  0.06%: /user/adowling/pokemon!/Images/pikachu.jpg
16:   329:  0.18%:   0.20:  0.68%: /course/48-568/PDFs/3D_AutoCAD_2009.pdf
17:   267:  0.15%:   0.01:  0.04%: /user/hellenic/HSAImages/Greece Animated.gif
18:   259:  0.14%:   0.22:  0.76%: /user/stevelee/48215_www/pdfs/TJ-4000.pdf
19:   243:  0.13%:   0.06:  0.19%: /course/48-568/PDFs/AutoCAD2D/Chapter12.pdf
20:   215:  0.12%:   0.45:  1.54%: /course/48-568/PDFs/2D_AutoCAD.pdf
21:   185:  0.10%:   0.00:       : /user/achoulde/95791/data/splines.Rdata
22:   181:  0.10%:   0.01:  0.03%: /user/achoulde/95791/data/bikes.csv
23:   166:  0.09%:   0.00:  0.01%: /user/achoulde/95791/misc/smooth_cv_plot.png
24:   164:  0.09%:   0.00:       : /images/testtitle.gif
25:   164:  0.09%:   0.00:       : /images/spacer.gif
26:   163:  0.09%:   0.00:       : /images/tall_checks.gif
27:   161:  0.09%:   0.00:       : /style/main.css
28:   160:  0.09%:   0.00:       : /images/heading.gif
29:   153:  0.08%:   0.00:       : /images/links_sized.gif
30:   152:  0.08%:   0.00:  0.01%: /user/fd0n/35 Founders' Pie Calculator.htm
31:   149:  0.08%:   0.00:       : /course/95-702/
32:   146:  0.08%:   0.00:  0.01%: /images/bckglines.jpg
33:   143:  0.08%:   0.00:  0.01%: /course/90-754/umlucdfaq.html
34:   141:  0.08%:   0.04:  0.14%: /user/shc17/DesignI/UofM_IPD_Costing_Worksheet.pdf
35:   126:  0.07%:   0.00:  0.01%: /course/90-754/camera.jpg
36:   119:  0.07%:   0.00:       : /user/kmliu/neopets/lottery2.html
37:   116:  0.06%:   0.09:  0.30%: /course/95-702/homework/current/Project1.pdf
38:   101:  0.06%:   0.00:  0.01%: /user/dl0p/laughlin/pdf/087.pdf
39:   100:  0.05%:   0.00:  0.01%: /user/achoulde/94842/
40:    99:  0.05%:   0.03:  0.12%: /course/48-568/PDFs/AutoCAD2D/Chapter19.pdf
41:    94:  0.05%:   0.01:  0.02%: /course/90-754/airline-extends.jpg
42:    89:  0.05%:   0.03:  0.10%: /course/15-211-kesden/applications/labs/Boggle/code/BoggleDictionary.txt
43:    86:  0.05%:   0.00:       : /user/achoulde/94842/data/survey_untidy.csv
44:    83:  0.05%:   0.00:       : /index.shtml
45:    82:  0.05%:   0.00:  0.01%: /course/90-754/drive-use-case.jpg
46:    82:  0.05%:   0.03:  0.09%: /user/ko/pdfs/lecture-3.pdf
47:    81:  0.04%:   0.00:       : /user/fd0n/articles.htm
48:    78:  0.04%:   0.00:       : /analog/20040504/
49:    77:  0.04%:   0.00:       : /server/publish.html
50:    72:  0.04%:   0.00:       : /analog/20040425/
  : 94263: 51.77%:  21.72: 74.35%: [not listed: 46,078 files]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing directories with at least 1 byte of traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 #: Gbytes: %bytes: #pages: %pages: #reqs:  %reqs: directory
--: ------: ------: ------: ------: -----: ------: ---------
 1:  15.30: 52.37%:  38616: 31.75%: 76902: 42.24%: /user/
  :   0.91:  3.12%:     11:  0.01%:    19:  0.01%:   /user/afineman/
  :   0.77:  2.64%:   1295:  1.06%:  1645:  0.90%:   /user/matthewm/
  :   0.65:  2.23%:     19:  0.02%:    38:  0.02%:   /user/rkoganti/
  :   0.60:  2.04%:      7:  0.01%:    26:  0.01%:   /user/jonghole/
  :   0.49:  1.69%:    180:  0.15%:   241:  0.13%:   /user/laurensm/
  :   0.45:  1.55%:     88:  0.07%:   274:  0.15%:   /user/yzhiding/
  :   0.38:  1.30%:    400:  0.33%:  1252:  0.69%:   /user/achoulde/
  :   0.35:  1.21%:    545:  0.45%:  1022:  0.56%:   /user/kk3n/
  :   0.35:  1.19%:     57:  0.05%:  1540:  0.85%:   /user/ramesh/
  :   0.35:  1.18%:      7:  0.01%:    30:  0.02%:   /user/dslater/
  :   0.33:  1.12%:      7:  0.01%:    32:  0.02%:   /user/jianwan2/
  :   0.32:  1.11%:      8:  0.01%:   537:  0.29%:   /user/dl0p/
  :   0.28:  0.97%:    101:  0.08%:  1701:  0.93%:   /user/lkara/
  :   0.25:  0.84%:     25:  0.02%:   155:  0.09%:   /user/gutschow/
  :   0.24:  0.83%:     99:  0.08%:   390:  0.21%:   /user/stevelee/
  :   0.23:  0.80%:    410:  0.34%:  1622:  0.89%:   /user/rule/
  :   0.23:  0.79%:     25:  0.02%:    30:  0.02%:   /user/kevinalt/
  :   0.21:  0.72%:     49:  0.04%:   287:  0.16%:   /user/nicolasc/
  :   0.19:  0.66%:     71:  0.06%:   226:  0.12%:   /user/swarunk/
  :   0.19:  0.65%:   1460:  1.20%:  2013:  1.11%:   /user/shc17/
  :   0.19:  0.64%:     98:  0.08%:   145:  0.08%:   /user/davidch/
  :   0.17:  0.59%:     40:  0.03%:   187:  0.10%:   /user/kzollman/
  :   0.17:  0.58%:   1247:  1.03%:  3589:  1.97%:   /user/rvalle/
  :   0.17:  0.58%:     48:  0.04%:   382:  0.21%:   /user/ko/
  :   0.17:  0.57%:     14:  0.01%:   110:  0.06%:   /user/hkacorri/
  :   0.15:  0.51%:    617:  0.51%:   902:  0.50%:   /user/mm6/
  :   0.15:  0.50%:    121:  0.10%:   689:  0.38%:   /user/lakoglu/
  :   0.15:  0.50%:     41:  0.03%:   141:  0.08%:   /user/vanhoeve/
  :   0.13:  0.44%:      3:       :   159:  0.09%:   /user/gl20/
  :   0.12:  0.43%:    171:  0.14%:   376:  0.21%:   /user/shimada/
  :   0.12:  0.41%:     36:  0.03%:   299:  0.16%:   /user/krack/
  :   0.10:  0.35%:     59:  0.05%:   317:  0.17%:   /user/zshearer/
  :   0.10:  0.35%:     36:  0.03%:    57:  0.03%:   /user/holbrook/
  :   0.10:  0.34%:     28:  0.02%:    80:  0.04%:   /user/gcberry/
  :   0.10:  0.34%:    194:  0.16%:   695:  0.38%:   /user/johnito/
  :   0.10:  0.34%:     98:  0.08%:   450:  0.25%:   /user/jessicaz/
  :   0.10:  0.33%:     90:  0.07%:   476:  0.26%:   /user/ngal/
  :   0.09:  0.31%:     19:  0.02%:   119:  0.07%:   /user/fr0c/
  :   0.09:  0.30%:     25:  0.02%:    97:  0.05%:   /user/gustavor/
  :   0.08:  0.29%:    226:  0.19%:  1050:  0.58%:   /user/ct0u/
  :   0.08:  0.28%:    102:  0.08%:   174:  0.10%:   /user/balada/
  :   0.08:  0.27%:     13:  0.01%:    49:  0.03%:   /user/nbradley/
  :   0.08:  0.27%:      3:       :    14:  0.01%:   /user/junez/
  :   0.08:  0.27%:     10:  0.01%:    11:  0.01%:   /user/yyao1/
  :   0.08:  0.26%:    117:  0.10%:   389:  0.21%:   /user/avigad/
  :   0.08:  0.26%:     99:  0.08%:   234:  0.13%:   /user/awodey/
  :   0.08:  0.26%:      7:  0.01%:    14:  0.01%:   /user/adbenson/
  :   0.07:  0.25%:     70:  0.06%:   253:  0.14%:   /user/christel/
  :   0.07:  0.24%:     57:  0.05%:   207:  0.11%:   /user/rs9f/
  :   0.07:  0.24%:     32:  0.03%:   102:  0.06%:   /user/marjorie/
 2:  13.58: 46.49%:   9116:  7.49%: 29117: 15.99%: /course/
  :   5.64: 19.30%:    912:  0.75%:  5901:  3.24%:   /course/48-568/
  :   2.48:  8.47%:    541:  0.44%:  3767:  2.07%:   /course/53-610/
  :   1.58:  5.40%:     20:  0.02%:   655:  0.36%:   /course/48-125/
  :   0.61:  2.10%:    177:  0.15%:   629:  0.35%:   /course/24-688/
  :   0.38:  1.29%:     25:  0.02%:    38:  0.02%:   /course/90-892/
  :   0.35:  1.19%:     82:  0.07%:   261:  0.14%:   /course/48-305/
  :   0.25:  0.86%:      2:       :     3:       :   /course/09-video1/
  :   0.20:  0.69%:     26:  0.02%:   171:  0.09%:   /course/42-620/
  :   0.18:  0.62%:    301:  0.25%:   661:  0.36%:   /course/95-702/
  :   0.18:  0.60%:      1:       :    63:  0.03%:   /course/67-302/
  :   0.17:  0.57%:      2:       :    56:  0.03%:   /course/76-327A/
  :   0.11:  0.37%:     25:  0.02%:   105:  0.06%:   /course/48-747/
  :   0.10:  0.34%:     72:  0.06%:   112:  0.06%:   /course/24-672/
  :   0.07:  0.25%:     12:  0.01%:    69:  0.04%:   /course/95-815/
  :   0.07:  0.24%:     21:  0.02%:    21:  0.01%:   /course/76-483-883/
  :   0.07:  0.23%:     12:  0.01%:   124:  0.07%:   /course/48-509/
  :   0.05:  0.16%:     78:  0.06%:   207:  0.11%:   /course/88-301/
  :   0.04:  0.15%:     44:  0.04%:    74:  0.04%:   /course/67-328/
  :   0.04:  0.14%:     54:  0.04%:   380:  0.21%:   /course/24-662/
  :   0.04:  0.14%:     28:  0.02%:    70:  0.04%:   /course/15-295-archive/
  :   0.04:  0.13%:      8:  0.01%:    62:  0.03%:   /course/88-737/
  :   0.04:  0.13%:     46:  0.04%:    98:  0.05%:   /course/95-708/
  :   0.03:  0.11%:     35:  0.03%:   290:  0.16%:   /course/79-104/
  :   0.03:  0.11%:    255:  0.21%:   734:  0.40%:   /course/03-231/
  :   0.03:  0.11%:      2:       :    65:  0.04%:   /course/98-030/
  :   0.03:  0.10%:    127:  0.10%:   243:  0.13%:   /course/15-211-kesden/
  :   0.03:  0.10%:     16:  0.01%:    42:  0.02%:   /course/94-802/
  :   0.03:  0.10%:      5:       :    40:  0.02%:   /course/95-841/
  :   0.03:  0.09%:    235:  0.19%:   564:  0.31%:   /course/24-681/
  :   0.03:  0.09%:     61:  0.05%:   181:  0.10%:   /course/15-121/
  :   0.03:  0.09%:    161:  0.13%:   732:  0.40%:   /course/90-754/
  :   0.02:  0.08%:     49:  0.04%:    57:  0.03%:   /course/95-799/
  :   0.02:  0.08%:    308:  0.25%:   464:  0.25%:   /course/48-200-gutschow/
  :   0.02:  0.07%:      4:       :   124:  0.07%:   /course/70-381/
  :   0.02:  0.07%:     39:  0.03%:    69:  0.04%:   /course/15-440-s12/
  :   0.02:  0.07%:      5:       :    35:  0.02%:   /course/42-731/
  :   0.02:  0.06%:    186:  0.15%:   986:  0.54%:   /course/24-ansys/
  :   0.02:  0.06%:     10:  0.01%:    25:  0.01%:   /course/09-214/
  :   0.02:  0.06%:      2:       :     6:       :   /course/90-784/
  :   0.02:  0.06%:     50:  0.04%:   209:  0.11%:   /course/73-250spring/
  :   0.02:  0.06%:      7:  0.01%:    45:  0.02%:   /course/15-354/
  :   0.02:  0.05%:     20:  0.02%:    35:  0.02%:   /course/80-136/
  :   0.02:  0.05%:     65:  0.05%:   386:  0.21%:   /course/48-105/
  :   0.02:  0.05%:     10:  0.01%:    21:  0.01%:   /course/48-100/
  :   0.02:  0.05%:      5:       :    36:  0.02%:   /course/24-261/
  :   0.01:  0.04%:     46:  0.04%:    71:  0.04%:   /course/15-749/
  :   0.01:  0.04%:     12:  0.01%:    34:  0.02%:   /course/15-381-f09/
  :   0.01:  0.04%:    339:  0.28%:   521:  0.29%:   /course/48-205-gutschow/
  :   0.01:  0.04%:      3:       :    45:  0.02%:   /course/98-233/
  :   0.01:  0.04%:     76:  0.06%:   147:  0.08%:   /course/15-251/
 3:   0.30:  1.01%:   1160:  0.95%:  1213:  0.67%: /analog/
 4:   0.03:  0.11%:  72515: 59.62%: 73055: 40.13%: [root directory]
 5:   0.00:  0.01%:      3:       :   962:  0.53%: /images/
 6:   0.00:       :    150:  0.12%:   150:  0.08%: /server/
 7:   0.00:       :     32:  0.03%:    69:  0.04%: /courseweb/
 8:   0.00:       :      0:       :    77:  0.04%: /cgi-bin/
 9:   0.00:       :     19:  0.02%:    41:  0.02%: /userweb/
10:   0.00:       :      1:       :   162:  0.09%: /style/
11:   0.00:       :      0:       :   298:  0.16%: /icons/
12:   0.00:       :      0:       :     5:       : /kweb-cgi/
13:   0.00:       :      2:       :     2:       : /beta/
14:   0.00:       :     14:  0.01%:    14:  0.01%: /kweb/
15:   0.00:       :      1:       :     1:       : /include/

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 #: #reqs:  %reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: extension
--: -----: ------: ------: ------: ---------
 1: 18109:  9.95%:  15.21: 52.05%: .pdf  [Adobe Portable Document Format]
 2:    92:  0.05%:   2.51:  8.58%: .mp4
 3:  6451:  3.54%:   1.17:  4.01%: .png  [PNG graphics]
 4:    24:  0.01%:   1.17:  4.00%: .mov  [Quick Time movie]
 5:    97:  0.05%:   1.13:  3.86%: .zip  [Zip archives]
 6:   127:  0.07%:   1.08:  3.71%: .pptx
 7:  9155:  5.03%:   1.08:  3.69%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
 8:  1165:  0.64%:   0.93:  3.17%: .swf
 9:   681:  0.37%:   0.79:  2.70%: .ppt
10: 83005: 45.59%:   0.58:  1.97%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
11: 33125: 18.19%:   0.55:  1.87%: [directories]
12:  2226:  1.22%:   0.43:  1.48%: .JPG
13:    27:  0.01%:   0.41:  1.41%: .ai
14:   798:  0.44%:   0.29:  1.00%: .mp3  [MP3 sound files]
15:    45:  0.02%:   0.28:  0.97%: .m4a
16:  5141:  2.82%:   0.20:  0.70%: .gif  [GIF graphics]
17:    13:  0.01%:   0.16:  0.56%: .avi  [AVI movies]
18:     2:       :   0.10:  0.34%: .flv
19:    11:  0.01%:   0.08:  0.29%: .wrl
20:    92:  0.05%:   0.08:  0.27%: .bmp
21:     1:       :   0.08:  0.27%: .djvu
22:   191:  0.10%:   0.08:  0.26%: .PDF
23:    53:  0.03%:   0.07:  0.23%: .jar
24:  5495:  3.02%:   0.07:  0.23%: .htm  [Hypertext Markup Language]
25:   776:  0.43%:   0.06:  0.22%: .txt  [Plain text]
26:  2540:  1.40%:   0.06:  0.21%: .js   [JavaScript code]
27:   113:  0.06%:   0.05:  0.16%: .jpeg [JPEG graphics]
28:    34:  0.02%:   0.04:  0.14%: .mht
29:    35:  0.02%:   0.04:  0.14%: .dat
30:  2627:  1.44%:   0.04:  0.14%: .php  [PHP]
31:   388:  0.21%:   0.03:  0.12%: .doc  [Microsoft Word document]
32:   543:  0.30%:   0.03:  0.11%: [no extension]
33:     5:       :   0.03:  0.11%: .ans
  :  8881:  4.88%:   0.29:  1.00%: [not listed: 255 extensions]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

       size: #reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: -----: ------: 
          0: 11487:       : 
   1B-  10B:   193:       : 
  11B- 100B:  1732:       : 
 101B-  1kB: 82205:  0.09%: 
  1kB- 10kB: 42123:  0.48%: 
 10kB-100kB: 26703:  3.27%: 
100kB-  1MB: 12716: 14.66%: 
  1MB- 10MB:  4657: 49.49%: 
 10MB-100MB:   237: 20.49%: 
100MB-  1GB:    15: 11.51%: 

Failure Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing the top 30 files by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.

#reqs: file
-----: ----
41747: /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
15813: /favicon.ico
13926: /ews/Exchange.asmx
12065: /apple-touch-icon.png
12046: /apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
 7341: /apple-touch-icon-120x120-precomposed.png
 7332: /apple-touch-icon-120x120.png
 1140: /apple-touch-icon-152x152.png
 1139: /apple-touch-icon-152x152-precomposed.png
  744: /wp-login.php
   11:   /wp-login.php?action=register
  306: /user/jksadegh/A Good Atheist Secularist Skeptical Book Collection/The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.pdf
  243: /EWS/Exchange.asmx
  157: /user/jksadegh/A Good Atheist Secularist Skeptical Book Collection/Parallels_between_Jesus_and_Horus_an_Egyptian_God.pdf
  152: /AutoDiscover/autodiscover.xml
  143: /user/amitdatt/images/pic.jpg
  142: /user/amitdatt/images/Title4.jpg
  139: /user/ddi/Perspectives-0.5.html
   95: /user/bspringe/switchfoot.mp3
   90: /user/amitdatt/images/imageFB.png
   66: /user/jksadegh/A Good Atheist Secularist Skeptical Book Collection/The Problems of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell - secure.pdf
   58: /user/rkeane/Vertical Car Crash - KGTV.jpg
   57: /user/jksadegh/A Good Atheist Secularist Skeptical Book Collection/Why I am Not a Christian - Bertrand Russell.pdf
   51: /user/rule/bc_oli/Pset/PS02/Chime.gif
   49: /user/sraja/67364/db2.ico
   44: /user/skey/research_prev/reading/reflection_educational_role/et-schon.htm
   43: /user/rule/bc_oli/Pset/PS01/Chime.gif
   43: /user/ales/intermediate-macro.pdf
   43: /user/rule/bc_oli/ps_date/PS12date.gif
   42: /user/jksadegh/A Good Atheist Secularist Skeptical Book Collection/Charles Darwin - The Origin of Species - 6th Edition.pdf
   41: /user/rule/bc_oli/Pset/PS03/Chime.gif
11383: [not listed: 7,674 files]

Referrer Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing referring URLs with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs: URL
-----: ---
 3223: https://www.google.com/
 3172: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/experience.html
  724:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/experience.html?nickname=Jordan
  723:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/experience.html?nickname=TheRapeMan
  715:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/experience.html?nickname=Bitch+Nigger
  509:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/experience.html?nickname=J
  249:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/experience.html?nickname=Fuckfist
  214:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/experience.html?nickname=Ben
   38:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/experience.html?nickname=ashly
 1340: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/rvalle/hsquiz/hsquiz.html
 1154: https://www.google.co.in/
 1110: http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php
  432:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/297041-148-gwh-mig-29-913/
  145:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/292908-148-gwh-mig-29-9-13-primer-colors/&page=4
   98:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/244021-148-hasegawa-f-22-rollout/&page=3
   84:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/292908-148-gwh-mig-29-9-13-primer-colors/&page=3
   55:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/279141-148-hasegawa-f-4e-tuaf-sea/
   51:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/244021-148-hasegawa-f-22-rollout/
   49:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/238118-148-tamiya-f-16c-f-16d-tuaf-152-filo/
   40:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/292908-148-gwh-mig-29-9-13-primer-colors/
   25:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/244021-148-hasegawa-f-22-rollout/&page=2
   22:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/265349-148-hasegawa-f-18c-30th-anniversary/
   21:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/223429-148-hsgw-qf-4e/
   20:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/254629-148-hasegawa-f-22/
   18:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/255496-172-f-102/
   18:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/forum/158-critique-corner/
   16:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/297080-148-hasegawa-a-4f-va-93/
   11:   http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/268741-172-meng-f-102-pa-ang/
  731: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/
  556: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ujf/blog/German_ch.html
  398: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/48-568/PDFs/3D_AutoCAD.pdf
  381: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/
  308: https://www.bing.com/
  259: http://www.google.co.in/search
   81:   http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=autocad+3d+commands+pdf&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiP0L2HseTRAhUY0WMKHYbeDJ4Q1QIIBw
   16:   http://www.google.co.in/search?q=L1+U+L2&hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&tbm=
  256: https://www.google.co.uk/
  249: https://www.google.ca/
  235: http://www.hobimaket.com/topic/6040-148-gwh-mig-29-9-13-primer-colors/
  100:   http://www.hobimaket.com/topic/6040-148-gwh-mig-29-9-13-primer-colors/?page=1
   75:   http://www.hobimaket.com/topic/6040-148-gwh-mig-29-9-13-primer-colors/?page=2
  230: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ct0u/freeland_home.html
  227: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/shc17/
  218: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/lakoglu/
  207: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/sevin/sevin/Main_Page.html
  206: https://www.google.com.pk/
  194: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/cak/251/02A-logic/
  192: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/cak/251/02A-logic/html5.html
  180: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-ansys/problems.htm
  179: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ngal/index.html
  162: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jessicaz/medical_data/Heart_Valve_new.htm
  153: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/90-754/umlucdfaq.html
  143: https://www.google.com/url
   90:   https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&ved=0ahUKEwioxq_Ix-bRAhXKuo8KHb4-B1sQFghNMAY&url=https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/48-568/PDFs/3D_AutoCAD.pdf&usg=AFQjCNEnRKQatjDspBcz6UduXcJ1BlsqCQ&cad=rja
   14:   https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=10&ved=0ahUKEwjPisK-w-bRAhVMv48KHYcdDGEQFghfMAk&url=https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/48-568/PDFs/3D_AutoCAD_2009.pdf&usg=AFQjCNHcEJxoTflTJi6e9K-rrrlqA_lqHA
  143: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/48-568/PDFs/
  132: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-662/
  128: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/buggy/Sweepstakes/Welcome.html
  125: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/shissam/items/
  122: https://www.google.com.ph/
  114: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-ansys/problems.htm
  112: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/achoulde/94842/
  112: https://www.google.com.au/
  111: https://www.google.co.in/url
  108:   https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&ved=0ahUKEwj4n821uOTRAhVDvo8KHbPhAOoQFghMMAc&url=https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/48-568/PDFs/3D_AutoCAD.pdf&usg=AFQjCNEnRKQatjDspBcz6UduXcJ1BlsqCQ
  105: https://www.google.com.lb/
  105: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/andersok/Katharine_A._Anderson/Home.html
   99: https://seisaxthia.wordpress.com/
   96: https://www.google.co.th/
   94: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/danupam/
   94: https://www.google.de/
   89: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course//24-662/
   86: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/shimada/research.htm
   86: https://www.google.it/
   85: https://www.google.com.ng/
   85: https://www.google.pl/
   82: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/90-754/umlucdfaq.html
   82: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-702/syllabus.html
   82: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/48-568/PDFs/AutoCAD3D_2007.pdf
   78: http://www.bing.com/images/search
   76: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/server/publish.html
   76: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/48-568/PDFs/AutoCAD3D_2007.pdf
   75: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/gloverb/Personal_Webpage/Home.html
   74: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/
   21:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/?team.html
   14:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/?shellyhagerman.html
   71: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/msaeedi/
   66: https://www.google.dz/
   66: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/amitdatt/
   65: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/rvalle/hsquiz/hsquiz.html
   63: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/swarunk/
   62: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ilimade/Ines_Azevedo/main.html
   61: https://www.google.es/
   61: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/lakoglu/courses/95828/syllabus.htm
   60: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/dcprieve/Evanescent waves.htm
   59: http://controlmanuals.com/download/file820.html
   58: https://www.google.ru/
   57: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/48-568/PDFs/2D_AutoCAD.pdf
   57: https://www.google.nl/
   57: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/hytrac/research.html
   57: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/73-250spring/micro_files/pracexams/prace.htm
   56: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/haewonj/
   56: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-ansys/htm/s3_bracket.htm
   55: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/nshoemak/15418/
   54: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/achoulde/95791/
   53: https://www.google.com.tw/
   51: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/venkatv/
   50: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/rule/bc_oli/Pset/PS02/ps02_jmol.html
   33:   https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/rule/bc_oli/Pset/PS02/ps02_jmol.html?globalNavigation=false
   50: https://login.cmu.edu/webiso/index.cgi
   49: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/shc17/
   49: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/buggy/Sweepstakes/css/style.css
   49: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/fencing/
   49: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/avemula1/
   48: https://www.google.com.br/
   48: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ct0u/maps-area.html
   48: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/sevin/sevin/Research.html
   48: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/degray/EL17/
   48: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/lakoglu/research.html
   48: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/gatt/index/style.css
   47: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/avaliyav/Uber_new/
   47: https://www.google.com.kh/
   47: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/lakoglu/courses/95828/assignments.htm
   46: https://www.google.fr/
   46: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/davidch/95868/lectures.html
   46: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jcag/Cagan_and_Vogel/index.html
   45: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-688/handouts/Week 1 - Conceptual Design/Cluster Projects/
   44: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/server/statistics.html
   44: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-ansys/test_problems.htm
   44: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/mwdaniel/
   43: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-662/schedule.htm
   43: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/fd0n/35 Founders' Pie Calculator.htm
   43: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/sevin/sevin/CV.html
   43: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-ansys/htm/s1_tower.htm
   43: https://www.google.com.eg/
   42: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/hytrac/home.html
   42: https://www.google.com.mx/
   42: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/fd0n/52 Full Ratchet Anti-dilution.htm
   42: https://www.google.co.id/
   42: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/lakoglu/pubs.html
   42: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/
   14:   https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/?fantong.html
   14:   https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/?DeVynneFarquharson.html
   14:   https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/?avivaloew.html
   42: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/hytrac/team.html
   42: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/nctan/Tutorials-Palantir.html
   40: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/abjorn/Site/Home.html
   39: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ziyunz/CMU-SUMMIT/index.html
   39: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/dbang/davidbang.github.io/
   39: https://www.google.com/search
   20:   https://www.google.com/search?q=skepticism++pdf&biw=758&bih=407&prmd=inv&ei=2uKMWK66FsKksgHoiaOYCQ&start=60&sa=N
   38: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/xiaofan2/
   38: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ko/pdfs/
   38: https://www.google.co.in/search
   10:   https://www.google.co.in/search?q=AutoCAD+2d+using+tools+details+pdf&biw=1366&bih=578&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi44YWzrebRAhXDNo8KHV0kCIUQ_AUIBigA
   38: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bex/stories/people/
   38: https://www.google.co.jp/
   38: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/kangk/
   37: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/md2z/ArtistsBooksDirectory/ArtistsBookIndex.html
   37: http://m.facebook.com/
   37: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/zhecao/
   37: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-688/handouts/Week 1 - Conceptual Design/Web_cam_sketches/
   36: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/cgi-bin/search
   15:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/cgi-bin/search?type=3&name=S
   36: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/georgech/
   36: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/dravi/
   36: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/krack/documents/pubs/1995/1995 Entrepreneurship-Theory and Practice.pdf
   36: https://www.google.com.tr/
   35: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jmannjr/cmupostly/tests/
   35: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/03-231/MCQF05/MCQLec09.htm
   35: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/csleet/WWW/Welcome.html
   35: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/thihoanl/Research.html
   35: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/lakoglu/postdoc@Heinz.html
   34: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/csleet/WWW/Welcome.html
   34: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pso/
   34: https://www.google.be/
   33: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/oa04/
   33: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/altbreak/
   33: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/userweb/
   33: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/csleet/WWW/Research.html
   33: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/03-231/MCQF05/MCQLec18.htm
   33: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/abjorn/Site/Teaching.html
   33: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/42-620/handouts/BME_42_620_Lecture_15_2011_preliminary.pdf
   32: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/03-231/MCQF05/MCQLec15.htm
   32: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/rudich/leap2004/studentphoto.htm
   32: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ngal/nglive.htm
   32: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/fd0n/35 Founders' Pie Calculator.htm
   31: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/nicolasc/
   31: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/achoulde/
   30: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/davidch/95868/
   30: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ziyunz/CMU-SUMMIT/collaborators.html
   30: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/gasper/Regression/
   30: https://blackboard.andrew.cmu.edu/webapps/blackboard/content/contentWrapper.jsp
   29: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/lakoglu/courses/95828/index.htm
   29: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jiaz/
   29: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-ansys/
   29: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ramesh/teaching/course/48-175/lectures/11.CentralProjections.pdf
   29: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bockstal/people.html
   29: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/80-241/guided_inquiries/env_ethics_bus_profs_html/3000.html
   28: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/calehock/
   28: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/liminjia/14828/S17/schedule.html
   28: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/amj1/research.html
   28: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-ansys/htm/s2_beam2d.htm
   28: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/mm6/95-771/schedule.html
   28: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/03-231/MCQF05/MCQLec28.htm
   28: https://www.google.co.il/
   28: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-ansys/htm/v1_turbine.htm
   28: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/weijias1/homework1/hw1.html
   27: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ziyunz/CMU-SUMMIT/panelist.html
   27: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-ansys/htm/t2_wall.htm
   27: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/kmliu/neopets/lottery2.html
   27: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/daltizio/mathstuff.html
   27: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/style/main.css
   27: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/courseweb/
   27: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/rjl1/
   26: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/whitacre/
   26: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/twildenh/projects.html
   26: https://www.google.com.gh/
   26: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/mkellogg/15-418/final.html
   26: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/hkacorri/
   26: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/48-568/PDFs/AutoCAD2D/Chapter19.pdf
   26: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ct0u/20Cfood-drink.html
   26: https://www.google.ae/
   26: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/rshu/pages/GenJet.html
   26: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ultimate/yuk/
   25: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/lakoglu/jemdoc.css
   25: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-662/reference.htm
   25: http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEVw6dT41YyKIAoN5XNyoA
   25: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bhanzra/
   25: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/arijeetm/
   25: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/gatt/
   25: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/zfisher/Stress_Website/Crane_Design.html
   25: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/98-233/schedule.html
   24: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-702/slides/
   24: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bjones/default.css
   24: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/lingzhaj/finalreport.html
   24: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/shellyhagerman.html
   24: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/amitdatt/
   24: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/33-765/
   24: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/80-413-713/notes/
   24: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/murphy/
   24: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/03-231/MCQF05/MCQLec07.htm
   24: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-702/homework/current/Project1.pdf
   24: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ct0u/freeland_home.html
   24: https://www.google.lk/
   24: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ct0u/1873moremaps.html
   24: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/80-241/guided_inquiries/articles/cultural_rel.html
   24: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/09-105/S98Slides22.html
   24: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/98-174/
   24: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/esp/
   24: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/gatt/
   23: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/team.html
   23: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ct0u/mines-mining.html
   23: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/apmb/
   23: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/DeVynneFarquharson.html
   23: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/avivaloew.html
   23: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-702/syllabus.html
   23: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/schitkar/
   23: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-ansys/test_problems.htm
   23: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/georgech/papers.html
   23: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user//zunyibrt/
   23: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/fantong.html
   22: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/zhecao/
   22: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/vipuls/
   22: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ulrikb/
   22: https://www.google.com.co/
   22: https://www.facebook.com/
   22: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/plb/
   21: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ferla/review.htm
   21: http://www.google.co.in/m
   21:   http://www.google.co.in/m?q=operation+research+users+resources+application+and+deceision+making+uncertainty+dissetuation+ppt
   21: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/swarunk/research.html
   21: http://www.google.com/
   21: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/css/style.css
   21: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bjones/example.htm
   21: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/dave64/gym/
   21: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/60-100-pre/kristin_walk/kristin_walk.htm
   21: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/liminjia/14828/S17/
   21: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/45-811/
   21: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/pjaramil/css/style.css
   21: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/spark3/webdevproject-park/
   21: https://www.google.com.et/
   20: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user//
   20: http://zone-five.net/showthread.php
   20:   http://zone-five.net/showthread.php?t=21221
   20: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/soyunk/PET/
   20: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/edryer/
   20: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-ansys/htm/f4_car.htm
   20: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/yingzu/research.html
   20: https://www.google.gr/
   20: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/krack/
   20: https://www.google.se/
   20: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-ansys/htm/s1_tower.htm
   20: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jsmurray/
   20: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/kmwarren/Personal_CMU_Page/Research.html
   20: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/
   20: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/48-568/PDFs/AutoCAD2D/Chapter12.pdf
 9283: [not listed: 2,593 URLs]

Referring Site Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing the top 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs: site
-----: ----
13689: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/
 9350: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/
 3431: https://www.google.com/
 1327: https://www.google.co.in/
 1110: http://www.arcforums.com/
  317: https://www.bing.com/
  291: http://www.google.co.in/
  265: https://www.google.co.uk/
  260: https://www.google.ca/
  260: https://seisaxthia.wordpress.com/
  235: http://www.hobimaket.com/
  208: https://www.google.com.pk/
  130: https://www.google.com.ph/
  114: https://www.google.com.au/
  105: https://www.google.com.lb/
   96: https://www.google.de/
   96: https://www.google.co.th/
   90: http://www.bing.com/
   88: https://www.google.it/
   86: https://www.google.com.ng/
   85: https://www.google.pl/
   76: http://blower-of-minds.tumblr.com/
   66: https://www.google.dz/
   62: https://www.google.es/
   61: https://www.google.ru/
   59: http://controlmanuals.com/
   58: https://www.google.nl/
   58: http://r.search.yahoo.com/
   53: https://www.google.com.tw/
 2380: [not listed: 509 sites]

Search Word Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing the top 30 query words by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs: search term
-----: -----------
  219: pdf
  214: autocad
  141: 3d
  107: commands
   40: and
   39: tutorial
   35: in
   24: ppt
   23: research
   21: making
   21: application
   21: users
   21: resources
   21: deceision
   21: dissetuation
   21: operation
   21: uncertainty
   19: download
   17: with
   16: u
   16: to
   16: l1
   16: l2
   15: free
   15: full
   14: 2d
   14: a
   13: of
   13: 2013
   12: for
  656: [not listed: 235 search terms]

Search Query Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing the top 30 queries by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs: search term
-----: -----------
   89: autocad 3d commands pdf
   21: operation research users resources application and deceision making uncertainty dissetuation ppt
   16: l1 u l2
   10: autocad 3d commands with examples pdf
    9: formulating a thesis statement
    9: 2d to 3ds max hindi tutorial pdf
    8: autocad tutorial for all pdf
    7: learn autocad 2d3d 2017 pdf
    7: autocad 3d views why creat info in steps
    7: autocad 3d drawings with dimensions pdf
    6: 3d modeling in autocad details pdf file
    6: autocad tutorial pdf
    6: free download pdf tutorials rhino full software
    5: full project on consumer spending via credit cards
    5: autocad 3d pdf
    5: uses of autocad 2013
    4: download fundamental autocad 3d
    4: autocad 2012 3 d desing free download pdf
    4: 3d drawing pdf
    4: modify commands in autocad pdf
    4: autocad 2013 in pdf
    4: autocad paper
    4: autocad tutorial 2d pdf
    4: autocad 2006 tutorial pdf
    4: autocad 3d view how to use info in marathi meaning
    4: autocad full book pdf
    4: auto cad basic 2007
    4: autocad book pdf
    4: autocad training pdf 2013
    4: autocad tutorial in bangla pdf
   81: [not listed: 58 search terms]

Redirected Referrer Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing the top 30 referring URLs by the number of redirected requests, sorted by the number of redirected requests.

#reqs: URL
-----: ---
   28: https://www.google.com/
   13: https://www.bing.com/
   10: https://www.google.co.in/
    8: http://www.google.com/url
    8: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/mm6/95-771/syllabus.html
    6: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/
    6: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bkisiel/car.html
    5: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~cam/club
    5: http://andrew.cmu.edu/~cam/club
    5: http://andrew.cmu.edu/~cam
    4: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/azj/
    3: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user//
    3: http://brownieb.com/JohnForster/libertyships.htm
    3: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/nanotechnology-forum/Forum_3/Talk/SeungHoonNahm.pdf
    3: http://search.yahoo.co.jp/
    3: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/achoulde/94842/lectures/lecture01/lecture01-94842-Rpres.html
    3: http://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/philosophy/people/faculty/core-faculty/danks.html
    3: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/azj/teaching/
    3: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/venkatv/SEED.html
    2: http://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/philosophy/undergraduate/summer-school/
    2: http://www.dzieci.org.pl/forum/autyzm/teoria-umyslu-6312/
    2: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/achoulde/94842/
    2: http://t.co/RiXbM35Kfs
    2: http://www.sei.cmu.edu/plp/frame_report/process_def.htm
    2: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jsmurray/
    2: http://www.heinz.cmu.edu/faculty-and-research/faculty-profiles/faculty-details/index.aspx
    2: http://tepper.cmu.edu/our-faculty-and-research/about-our-faculty/faculty-profiles/gloverb/glover-brent
  140: [not listed: 132 URLs]

Failed Referrer Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing the top 30 referring URLs by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.

#reqs: URL
-----: ---
  457: https://oli.cmu.edu/jcourse/workbook/activity/page
  457:   https://oli.cmu.edu/jcourse/workbook/activity/page?context=8999bacb0a0001dc60ad79bd2edd9fea
  286: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/rvalle/hsquiz/hsquiz.html
   69: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/
   68: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/fquist/website.mht
   65: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/48-568/PDFs/3D_AutoCAD.pdf
   55: https://www.dogsonacid.com/threads/lets-write-our-own-grime-lyrics-bars-raps-verses-here.459374/
   55: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/experience.html
   32:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/experience.html?nickname=TheRapeMan
   10:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/experience.html?nickname=Jordan
   10:   http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/53-610/experience.html?nickname=Bitch+Nigger
   47: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/venkatv/
   47: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/apmb/
   36: http://www.neopets.com/~_prince_tidus_
   36: http://www.india-forums.com/forum_posts.asp
   14:   http://www.india-forums.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=4794584&TPN=4
   10:   http://www.india-forums.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=4794834
   33: http://www.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php
   33:   http://www.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?404433-Looking-for-the-most-reliable-BMW-model-out-there
   31: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/buggy/Sweepstakes/Welcome.html
   29: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/venkatv/SEED.html
   29: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/80-241/guided_inquiries/articles/bus_global_econ.html
   28: http://avb.s-oman.net/showthread.php
   22:   http://avb.s-oman.net/showthread.php?t=1677854
   26: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/venkatv/index.html
   26: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/
   26: https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ko/pdfs/lecture-3.pdf
   26: http://forum.skyscraperpage.com/showthread.php
   26:   http://forum.skyscraperpage.com/showthread.php?t=163804&page=3
   24: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/rvalle/hsquiz/hsquiz.html
   21: http://spil.hjemmet.dk/profiles/18313/
   21: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-702/
   20: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/vipuls/
   20: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/liminjia/
   19: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ur0w/alumni/people/Kristen.Lepage.php
   18: https://www.google.com/
   17: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/kmliu/neopets/lottery2.html
   16: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/rule/bc_oli/Pset/PS02/ps02.PDF
   15: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/academic/class/15418-s12/www/projectlist.html
 2843: [not listed: 1,587 URLs]

Browser Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing the top 40 browsers by the number of requests for pages, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

 #: #pages: %pages: #reqs:  %reqs: browser
--: ------: ------: -----: ------: -------
 1:  16470: 31.39%: 22806: 20.22%: Mozilla/5.0 ((Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; fr; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6)
 2:   6237: 11.89%:  6300:  5.59%: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1; http://www.opensiteexplorer.org/dotbot, help@moz.com)
 3:   3391:  6.46%:  5174:  4.59%: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm)
 4:   2858:  5.45%:  3744:  3.32%: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +http://yandex.com/bots)
 5:   2321:  4.42%:  3961:  3.51%: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp)
 6:   1773:  3.38%:  2565:  2.27%: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.html)
 7:   1589:  3.03%:  2620:  2.32%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36
 8:   1460:  2.78%:  1460:  1.29%: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; GoogleDocs; apps-spreadsheets; +http://docs.google.com)
 9:   1342:  2.56%:  3331:  2.95%: gsa-crawler (Enterprise; T4-DJUCTVVH9EAW4; gsa-crawler@andrew.cmu.edu)
10:   1211:  2.31%:  2389:  2.12%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; DigExt)
11:   1190:  2.27%:  2332:  2.07%: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.3.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14C92 Safari/602.1
12:   1154:  2.20%:  1154:  1.02%: check_http/v1.4.15 (nagios-plugins 1.4.15)
13:    967:  1.84%:  2089:  1.85%: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)
14:    713:  1.36%:   722:  0.64%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.1
15:    667:  1.27%:   667:  0.59%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_3) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.65 Safari/537.31
16:    617:  1.18%:  1099:  0.97%: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_2_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.4.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14D27 Safari/602.1
17:    425:  0.81%:  3068:  2.72%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36
18:    394:  0.75%:  2786:  2.47%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36
19:    296:  0.56%:   322:  0.29%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0)
20:    253:  0.48%:   351:  0.31%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_2) AppleWebKit/602.3.12 (KHTML, like Gecko)
21:    250:  0.48%:   480:  0.43%: Sogou web spider/4.0(+http://www.sogou.com/docs/help/webmasters.htm#07)
22:    244:  0.46%:   336:  0.30%: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.96 Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)
23:    227:  0.43%:   430:  0.38%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.93 Safari/537.36
24:    203:  0.39%:   418:  0.37%: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.2.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14B100 Safari/602.1
25:    200:  0.38%:   436:  0.39%: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11A465 Safari/9537.53 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm)
26:    198:  0.38%:  1002:  0.89%: gsa-crawler (Enterprise; T4-KLWMBNG826J7F; gsa-crawler@andrew.cmu.edu)
27:    182:  0.35%:   379:  0.34%: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14A456 Safari/602.1
28:    179:  0.34%:   362:  0.32%: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 10_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.3.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14C92 Safari/602.1
29:    165:  0.31%:   970:  0.86%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_2) AppleWebKit/602.3.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.2 Safari/602.3.12
30:    149:  0.28%:   571:  0.51%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.95 Safari/537.36
31:    143:  0.27%:   186:  0.16%: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Exabot/3.0; +http://www.exabot.com/go/robot)
32:    115:  0.22%:   153:  0.14%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.95 Safari/537.36
33:    105:  0.20%:   724:  0.64%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36
34:    102:  0.19%:   570:  0.51%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.95 Safari/537.36
35:     93:  0.18%:  1185:  1.05%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0
36:     89:  0.17%:   640:  0.57%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.95 Safari/537.36
37:     86:  0.16%:  1468:  1.30%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.79 Safari/537.36 Edge/14.14393
38:     85:  0.16%:   149:  0.13%: istellabot/t.1
39:     83:  0.16%:   100:  0.09%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/602.4.8 (KHTML, like Gecko)
40:     77:  0.15%:   451:  0.40%: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 10_2_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.4.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14D27 Safari/602.1
  :   4173:  7.95%: 32822: 29.10%: [not listed: 2,115 browsers]

Operating System Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing operating systems, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

 #: #pages: #reqs: OS
--: ------: -----: --
 1:  23130: 53325: Windows
  :  20192: 37751:   Unknown Windows
  :   1534: 12431:   Windows NT
  :   1380:  3094:   Windows XP
  :     10:    15:   Windows Server 2003
  :      8:    19:   Windows 98
  :      3:     3:   Windows 95
  :      3:    12:   Windows 2000
 2:  16552: 24063: OS unknown
 3:   6104: 13525: Known robots
 4:   5929: 17465: Macintosh
 5:    761:  4394: Unix
  :    742:  4255:   Linux
  :     18:   138:   Other Unix
  :      1:     1:   SunOS

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

 #reqs: status code
------: -----------
162769: 200 OK
  8434: 206 Partial content
   564: 301 Document moved permanently
  1508: 302 Document found elsewhere
 10865: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
 13983: 400 Bad request
     6: 401 Authentication required
    17: 403 Access forbidden
112635: 404 Document not found
    24: 405 Method not allowed
     1: 416 Requested range not valid
    14: 500 Internal server error

This analysis was produced by analog 6.0.
Running time: 1 second.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Organization Report: Domain Report: Request Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Word Report: Search Query Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report: Status Code Report)

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