Examples of Calculations & GraphingThe pages linked below simulate the results of biochemical assays in response to parameter values submitted by the user. In each case, the values generated can be used to calculate and then to graph the behavior of the reactions listed under "Practice Problem". (The values returned to the user have a small "experimental error" added to the exact value.)You should do a few of the recommended problems in Campbell first. Then when you understand the behavior of the reaction, use the Practice Problem page to test and extend your understanding and to see how the calculations should be performed. The "Answer Sheet Example" shows how your results should be compiled and graphed. Consult the problem set for details on the parameters to be calculated and the graphs or other results to be submitted for the "Assigned Problem". Please note: To avoid any confusion, the Practice Problem and Answer Sheet Example pages have a light blue background color; the Assigned Problem pages are white. |
Practice Problem & Answers |
Answer Sheet Example |
Assigned Problem |
1. pH Titration | pKa = 7.5 | Problem Set 1 Prob. #4 |
2. Ligand Binding | Kd = 0.1 mM; n = 1 | Problem Set 4 Prob. #4 |
3. Cooperative Binding | Kd = 0.1 mM; nH = 1.8 | TBA |
4. Enzyme Kinetics | KM = 2 mM; Vmax = 0.5 mM/min |
5. Enzyme Inhibition | KI = 3 mM | TBA |