Links (mostly) at the top of the lecture Web pages are compiled below. The title or brief annotation indicates whether they are a Chime page, quiz, animation, etc. Several do not appear on the printed lecture handouts.
- Each link is ranked by its importance to a thorough understanding of Biochemistry I material using the following icons:
Important! These pages are an integral part of the course. They go beyond what is provided in the text.
Supplementary. Worthy of at least a look, these pages provide alternative presentations of the important items; they complement the text.
Optional? Interesting or related topics, but not necessary for a mastery of course material. Comparable to Campbell's "Biochemical Connections".
- Topics for Exam 1 (Lectures 1-8):
Review Quizzes Index of self-quizzes for each lecture's topic. The multiple choice questions from Exam 1, 2000-2003 are also available.
- Lecture 1: Introduction & Organic Functional Groups
How to to make Hard Copies
Molecular Models for Biochemistry
Organic Nomenclature
Introduction to Basic Organic Nomenclature at Okanagan University College.
Chromatin & Nucleosome Structure
Constants and Conversion Factors
- Lecture 2: Water & Hydrogen Bonds
Chime display of a Water Cluster
- Lecture 3: Acid-Base Equilibria & Buffers
Ratios & Fractions in the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation
The pH titration animation shows a typical weak acid titration.
The Phosphate Titration Curve shows a typical polyprotic acid titration (cf. Campbell, Fig. 3.7b).
Graphing Quiz: pH Titration Determine pKa and the acid concentration.
- Lecture 4: Structure & Properties of Amino Acids
Self-guided tour of the amino acids
Amino Acid Identification Quiz (Chime Images)
Amino Acid Structure Quiz (GIF images)
The Histidine Titration Curve shows a typical polyprotic acid titration
(cf. Campbell, Fig. 3.7b: What's wrong with the Campbell graph?).
- Lecture 5: Peptides
Ionization of Amino Acids and Proteins Class handout
"pKa Values of Common Amino Acids" Summary and condensed version of Campbell's Table 3.2
Graphing Quiz: Dibasic & Tribasic pH Titration Determine pKa's and the acid concentration.
Alanine Titration Key features for determining pKa's and concentration.
Frogs Legs and Parasitic Tales The magainin peptide story (at Columbia Univ.)
- Lecture 6: Protein Primary & Secondary Structure
The Protein Architecture Tutorial introduces the basic principles of protein 3-D structure using Chime images of Protein G
Conformational Elements of Protein Structure provides side-by-side Chime images of peptides in several secondary structure conformations.
Pauling, et al. (1951): The classic paper that anounced the structure of the a-Helix.
- Lecture 7: Protein Tertiary & Quaternary Structure
The CMU Chime Tutorial, covered previously in cluster sesssions, can also be accessed this week. Be sure you understand the operation of this visualization tool.
The Protein Architecture Tutorial introduces the key principles of protein 3-D structure using Chime-generated images of Protein G.
The "Alpha_bet Helix" shown in lecture today as an example of an ideal a-helix. But note the lack of one H-bond and the steric clash that is seen at the Pro residue.
- Lecture 8: Protein Folding & Viewing
Test your understanding of protein architecture with the Protein Structure Quiz. It uses GIF images that are taken from the Protein Architecture Tutorial
Protein Structure Examples: Links to Chime images of the proteins shown in Campbell, Ch. 4 (and other representative structures).
Protein Viewing (in-class demonstrations)
Disulfide Bonds in RNaseA Chime page
- Topics for Exam 2 (Lectures 9-20):
Review Quizzes Index of self-quizzes for each lecture's topic. The multiple choice questions from Exam 2, 2000-2003 are also available.
- Lecture 9: Biochemical Energetics 1
- Lecture 10: Biochemical Energetics 2
Protein Folding-Unfolding Transition: a Shockwave movie of an "aa structure" that allows you to set the reaction temperature and view the results on a transition curve graph.
Protein G Chime page highlighting the location of residue 53.
Lecture 10 Supplement The hydrophobic effect can be measured as a DG of transfer.
- Lecture 11: Immunoglobulin Structure and Function
Human Immunoglobulin Structure Diagram
Aspects of Immunoglobulin Structure shows Chime images of antibodies and antibody-antigen complexes:
Side-by-side images on one page (1,950K).
One image per page (248K).
Molecular Mass Scales, (220K) shows a selection of eight superimposed structures ranging in molecular weight from 18 Da (H2O) to 2.6*106 Da (70S Ribosome). The IgG molecule is ~1.4*105 Da (140 kDa).
Antibodies are the September "Molecule of the Month" at the Protein Data Bank. Short descriptions with graphics in a series by David Goodsell.
- Lecture 12: Ligand Binding Measurements
Background reading: "Ligand Binding" Equations and Analysis by Dr. Gordon Rule.
This more extensive treatment is available as an eight-page PDF image.
Simulation of Molecular Motion at Binding Equilibrium (The animation requires the Shockwave plug-in.).
Graphing Quiz: Ligand Binding Scatchard Plots: Determine stoichiometry (n) and Kd.
- Lecture 13: O2 Binding by Myoglobin & Hemoglobin
Myoglobin & Hemoglobin: Side-by-side Chime Images. -by Dr. Gordon Rule, CMU
Cooperative Ligand Binding Measurements Class hand-out
Graphing Quiz: Cooperative Binding Hill Plots: Determine Hill coefficient (nH) and Kd.
Oxygen Binding Simulation that shows the differences between the "concerted" and "sequential" mechanisms of allosterism applied to hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin Gallery of still pictures and animations. -by Dr. John Lukin (C. Ho Laboratory, CMU)
- Lecture 14: Enzyme Kinetics
Substrate Saturation Kinetics shows various graphs used to analyze kinetic data.
Graphing Quiz: Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Determine Vmax and KM.
- Lecture 15: Enzyme Inhibition
Data Analysis for Competitive Inhibition The class handout shows enzyme inhibition curves.
Structure of a Trypsin-Inhibitor Complex: "Must-viewing" of an enzyme-inhibitor complex on a Chime page.
Carbonic Anhydrase Structure: Another enzyme-inhibitor complex on a Chime page.
ATCase Architecture: Chime images of T-State & R-State Aspartate Transcarbamoylase with and without bound ATP (activator) and CTP (inhibitor).
Graphing Quiz: Enzyme Inhibition Kinetics Lineweaver-Burk Plots: Determine Vmax, KM and KI.
- Lecture 16: Purification of Proteins
Example Graphs for Gel Filtration and SDS-PAGE analysis.
Example Problem: SDS-PAGE Gel.
Example Problem: Answer.
- Lecture 17: Nucleic Acid Structures
Class handouts for this lecture:
1. Backbone & Bases and 2. Base Pairs
Nucleic Acid Structures is a page of JPEG images to accompany this lecture.
- Lecture 18: DNA Replication & Repair
DNA Replication Tutorial Flash animation of prokaryotic replication.
Enzymes & Proteins that act on DNA is a worksheet to accompany this lecture.
Answers for the above worksheet.
- Lecture 19: DNA Transcription
DNA Transription Tutorial Flash animation of prokaryotic transcription.
Review of some Molecular Genetics Terminology
RNA Polymerase-Promoter Complex: The bacterial enzyme architecture. (Chime, 188K)
RNA Polymerase Elongation Complex: The yeast enzyme architecture. (Chime, 80K)
- Lecture 20: Transcription Regulation
CAP-cAMP & CREB Activation Comparison of prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic features.
Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions A page of JPEG images to accompany this lecture.
- Structural Motifs in DNA-Binding Proteins (Campbell, Section 10.5):
    CREB-DNA Complex: Human bZIP Protein. (Chime, 44K)
    E. coli CAP-cAMP-DNA Complex: Helix-turn-Helix Activator. (Chime, 109K)
    Zif268-DNA Complex: Human Zinc-Finger Protein. (Chime, 32K)
- Topics for Exam 3 (Lectures 21-30):
Review Quizzes Index of self-quizzes for each lecture's topic. The multiple choice questions from Exam 3, 2000-2003 are also available.
- Lecture 21: Protein Synthesis: tRNA Structure & Charging
Protein Synthesis Tutorial : Flash animation for Lectures 21 and 22.
Features of tRNAPhe Structure: JPEG images to accompany this lecture.
- Lecture 22: Protein Synthesis: Ribosomes & Peptide Bond Formation
Recap of Gene Expression Lectures (#17-22) Handout for this lecture
Structure of the 50S Ribosome Subunit A page of images to accompany this lecture.
Polypeptide Elongation Cycles is an animation of polypeptide chain elongation.
Ribosome Structures: Overview of the 70S crystal structure and a Chime animation of steps in translation. Separate pages show selected features of the 30S and 50S subunits.
- Lecture 23: Lipids
Structures of Lipids: Chime images of the building blocks.
Lipid Micelle Structure (68K): Chime image of a theoretical model.
Lipid Bilayer Structures (258K): Chime images of the gel and liquid-crystal phases.
- Lecture 24: Biological Membranes
Biological Membranes : Flash animation of key features.
Examples of integral membrane proteins on Chime pages:
Bacteriorhodopsin Maltoporin
- Lecture 25: Membrane Transport
Lactose Permease : Flash animation of the mechanism.
Na+-K+ Pump : Part of the Flash animation on membranes.
Lactose Permease: Structure of the inward-facing conformation. Chime page (92K).
- Lecture 26: Enzyme Mechanism: Serine Proteases
Structure of a Trypsin-Inhibitor Complex: "Must-viewing" of an enzyme active site on a Chime page.
Serine Protease Mechanism : Flash animation of the separate steps.
Serine Protease Mechanism: a JavaScript animation of the separate steps.
Serine Protease Structures: Chymotrypsin, trypsin, & elastase superposed; Chime page.
A Catalytic Triad at High Resolution: JPEG of the Asp-His H-bond in a serine protease.
Effects of pH on Enzyme Mechanism: a derivation and application to serine proteases.
Trypsin: "Molecule-of-the-Month" (Oct, 2003) an introduction and graphics by David Goodsell at the PDB.
- Lecture 27: Carbohydrates
Structures of Sugars: Chime images of the building blocks.
Boat to Chair Conformers of Glucose: Chime animations of the conversion.
D-glucose: from Fischer projection to 3D hemiacetal: Animations of the linear to the ring forms of glucose. (Chime & ChemSymphony, Java Applets are used.)
10.25.04: A 1/3-speed version of the above Chime page by Dr. Hens Borkent might display better, depending on your computer.
- Lecture 28: Carbohydrates 2
Lysozyme Chemical Mechanism: Handout for Lecture 28.
Trypsin and Lysozyme Mechanisms Compared: Handout for Lecture 28.
Lysozyme Binding & Catalysis: Structure is related to function on a Chime page.
- Lecture 29: Glycolysis
Glycolysis Pathway Summary: Class handout on the 10 reactions in the pathway.
Free Energy Profile of Glycolysis: in the Human Red Blood Cell
Glycolysis Intermediates: Chime images of the 10 reactions in the pathway.
Hexokinase Induced Fit: Chime images of the two conformations.
Protein Structure Examples: Chime images of Triose Phosphate Isomerase, Pyruvate Kinase, and Lactate Dehydrogenase.
Glycolytic Enzymes: "Molecule-of-the-Month" (Feb, 2004) an introduction and graphics by David Goodsell at the PDB.
- Lecture 30: Glycogen Metabolism/Gluconeogenesis
Muscle Glycogen Phosphorylase: Chime page showing the R and T state conformations.
Glycogen Phosphorylase: "Molecule-of-the-Month" an introduction and graphics by David Goodsell at the PDB.
- Topics included in the Final Exam (Lectures 31-34):
Review Quizzes Index of self-quizzes for each lecture's topic. The multiple choice questions from Final Exams, 2000-2003 are also available.
- Lecture 31: Citric Acid Cycle
Citric Acid Cycle Summary Class handout on the reactions in the pathway.
Metabolic Pathway Simulation and the effects of an inhibitor
Citric Acid Cycle Intermediates: Chime images of the reactions in the pathway.
- Lecture 32: Oxidative Phosphorylation
Redox Chemistry in Biological Processes: Review of Chapter 12.8-12.9 topics.
ATP Synthesis : Flash tutorial of the FoF1 ATP synthase.
ATP Synthase Overall architecture of the FoF1 complex (Chime).
Succinic Dehydrogenase: Chime page showing the only membrane-bound enzyme in the TCA cycle, Complex II (104 KB).
Cytochrome c Oxidase: Chime page showing the dimeric Cyt a/a3 complex Complex IV (256 KB).
ATP Synthase: A detailed lecture by Antony Crofts, University of Illinois.
(Be sure to watch the movie of the rotating F1 ATPase.)
- Lecture 33: Catabolism of Fatty Acids
- Lecture 34: Integrated Metabolism
Protein Kinase/Phosphatase Cascades: Handout on epinephrine and cAMP regulatory effects.
Protein Kinase/Phosphatase Cascades Same as above as a GIF image.
Signaling via G Proteins Flash tutorial: how receptor binding leads to cAMP synthesis.
Muscle Glycogen Phosphorylase: Chime page showing the R and T state conformations.
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