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Integration of Turbulence/Polymers/Ethics You must attend a lecture (3/21/01) on ethics by Dr. Peter Madsen There will be 9 groups, each consisting of 6 students. I would like for you to form your own groups. However, if you have not formed a group by Wednesday (3/21/01), I will randomly assign the groups. I will post the group sign-up sheet outside of my office after class today. The final group assignments and project descriptions will be posted on the course homepage on 3/23/01. |
The purpose of this project is to enhance your understanding of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics, as well as to apply this knowledge to relevant engineering problems. Knowledge of contemporary issues and understanding of business & engineering ethics are addressed. Teamwork is also stressed through this effort. The final product will be limited to a five-page, double-spaced team report. This report will count as 50 points towards your grade, as well as determine your "Jhon number". This project deals with turbulence structures and their coupling with particles and polymers. (Turbulent flow is described in Chapter XXI of text.) This phenomenon is often referred to as "turbulent drag reduction", which is applicable to crude oil transport systems, fire-fighting, increased efficiency of boats and submarines, heating and cooling circulation systems, and inhibiting fuel misting in aircraft engines. Your goal is make your own start-up company. (The details will be discussed in class.) During this process, you will discuss potential technical and ethics issues involved with this company. |
- Report Format |
The total length of the report, excluding the title page, should not exceed five pages, however it does not need to be exactly five pages. Use double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman as your font. Please carefully proofread your report before final submission. The final report is to be submitted via email no later than May 2, 2001 as an MS Word document or in PDF format. |
Title: Include the group number and all group member names. Briefly describe how your project evolved (e.g., role of each member). |
Abstract: This is a summary of the entire project. Limit the length to 200 words. |
Introduction: This includes a critical review of selected papers on turbulence, drag reduction, and ethics. I may provide some literature, however, you will need to perform an independent literature search (e.g., http://webofscience.com/ or SciFinder). The independent literature search is a vital skill for your future research and development endeavors. |
Fundamental Principles: Extra journal papers or additional fluid mechanics texts concerning your subject are required to fully understand how molecular level parameters influence macroscopic continuum fluid mechanics. This type of thinking may be increasingly important in next-generation engineering, such as nanotechnology. |
Your own application: Each group will develop an interesting application for their subject. There are plenty of existing examples in the literature, which use concepts from your Fundamental Principles section. I am looking for creativity and original design concepts in this section. Although it is not required, I recommend that you discuss your choice with me early in the project. |
Identify Issues on Ethics: |
Figures: Figures are also counted in the page limitation |
Bibliography: Include a listing of all literature that was referenced for your project. Use single-spaced, 10-point font for this section. |
Please check my homepage often for additional information. I will note the changes with a flashing "new" indicator. |
Group 1 |
Group 2 |
Group 3 |
Group 4 |
Group 5 |
Group 6 |
Group 7 |
Group 8 |
Group 9 |
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Below are the references I have selected (you still need to locate additional literature):
For questions and comments, send email to: mj3a
Last Updated on 04/26/01