Course Objectives:

In this course you will learn to apply the principles of chemical kinetics to the design of reactors. By the end of the semester, you should be able to:

(1) analyze kinetic data and obtain rate laws,

(2) develop a mechanism that is consistent with an experimental law for homogeneous and heterogeneous systems,

(3) understand the behavior of different reactor types when they are used either individually or in combination,

(4) choose a reactor and determine its size for a given application,

(5) work with mass and energy balances in the design of non-isothermal reactors,

(6) understand the importance of selectivity and know the strategies that are commonly used in maximizing yields, and

(7) appreciate the importance of both external and internal transport effects in gas/solid systems.


Course-Specific Outcome Objectives

ABET Curriculum Criteria

Course-Specific Objectives


Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Application of calculus, numerical analysis, thermodynamics, transport phenomena, and kinetics


Ability to design experiments and analyze and interpret data

Design, analysis, and interpretation of kinetics data


Ability to design a chemical process

Design of reactors and reactor networks; heat transfer requirements; catalyst selection


Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

Production of chemicals; Use of reaction engineering in other domains (biology, environment, war strategy, etc.)

Lectures; Class discussion; Homework

Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

Collaboration in homework; environmental problems

Class discussion; Homework

Ability to communicate effectively

Presentation of homework solutions


Understanding of impact of engineering in a global an societal context

Environmental issues

Class discussion; Homework

Appreciation and capability for lifelong learning

Use of ChE journals, handbooks and other textbooks

Class discussion; Homework

Knowledge of contemporary issues

Green design; air pollution; global climate change

Class discussion;


OTHER: Development of intuition

Qualitative solutions to problems; Back-of-the-envelope calculations

Lectures; Discussion; Homework