Grading Policy: 

                        9 problem sets              Total points normalized to give a maximum of 200 points

                        2 midterms                   200 points each

                        Final Exam                   400 points

                        TOTAL                        1000 points


I will grade on a combination of relative and absolute scales. First your performance will be evaluated relative to that of the class as a whole. Usually a student performing at one standard deviation above the mean gets an A, whereas one performing at one standard deviation below the mean is in danger of failing the course. Then, your performance will be evaluated independently of the rest of the class. The best grade out of the two will be your grade. I will let each one of you know how you are doing throughout the semester, and you should feel free to ask anytime if you are unsure as to where you stand.


Exam Policy:

1. There will be no early or late exams given. If you miss an exam for a valid reason, then your scores from the other exams, after correcting for the deviation from the mean, will be used for averaging. If you miss more than one exam, you will receive an incomplete grade (I). Missing an exam without a valid reason will result in a zero grade for that exam.

2. In all exams you can use your textbook and class notes (including homework problems).

3. The two one-hour exams have 200 points each and the final exam 400 points.


Policy on Problem Sets:

1.      All problem sets (but two) are due on Wednesday.

2.      Your homework grade will be based on the best eight out of the nine homework sets. You may elect not to turn in one of them.

3.      Problems must be turned in during Wednesday’s class or earlier. Late problem sets will be corrected but not graded.

4.      You may discuss the homework assignment with other students. In fact, I encourage you to interact actively with each other, as it will help you in understanding the material better. However, the final product must be your own work. The best rule to follow to avoid crossing the line between interaction with another student and plagiarism is never look at the written work of your fellow student(s).

5.      Some of the problems have been given as homework to previous classes in CMU or elsewhere so their solutions may be available to you or your friends. Do not look at these solutions (it is the written work of someone else). Copying from them is still plagiarism. Please review Section II.A in the student handbook regarding academic regulations, cheating and plagiarism. If, after reading this section, you still have questions as to what is and is not allowed behavior, I would be happy to discuss the matter with you.

6.      Each problem set will vary in length, and hence carry a different number of points.

7.      Each problem set will be discussed in the following Friday recitation and solutions.

8.      Effective and clear presentation of your results of the homework will be rewarded with a 20% grade bonus.