06-640: Molecular
Accessing Andrew Unix Workstations from Windows NT
This document provides an overview of several pieces of software that can be used to access the Andrew Unix machines from a PC running Windows NT. Access to these Unix machines will needed to use MATLAB and also to run some of the case studies from our textbook. All the software described below is installed on the PCs in the computing cluster located in Baker Hall 140C. Note that there are multiple ways to perform almost all of the tasks described below. This document outlines one specific means of access. If you prefer to use variations on these tools, for example a different telnet or ftp program, you are of course welcome to do so. If you prefer to use another computing environment you may need to adapt some of the directions below.
You should not hesitate to contact Prof. Sholl if you are having trouble with computer access, finding the right software etc. The aim of this class is to learn about molecular simulation techniques, and we don’t want computer difficulties to obstruct this goal. If you discover any inaccuracies in this document, please let us know so we can update it.
Throughout this document, anything that you need to type on the computer is shown in courier font.
Logging In and Opening Windows
UNIX workstations use an interface called X-Windows to open multiple windows simultaneously. The instructions below describe how to access this interface from a PC.
Start à Programs à Communications à X-Win32 à X-Win32
A box should appear on the task bar at the bottom of the screen saying X-Win32.
Start à Programs à Communications à Nifty Telnet à Nifty Telnet 1.1
In the telnet window that appears, enter unix.andrew.cmu.edu as the Hostname and then click on Connect. You will be prompted for a login and password.
Logging Out
To logout when you have finished your work, follow these steps:
I’ve Logged In - Now What?
To run MATLAB, simply type matlab at a UNIX prompt. More information about MATLAB will be given in a separate document.
To edit a text file, a number of screen editors are available. One that is simple to use is pico, the editor that is used by default by the email program pine. Type pico at a UNIX prompt and use the commands listed at the bottom of the screen ("^X" means control-X and so on). Other editors that are available include vi and emacs.
To plot data, it is easiest to copy the data file from the UNIX machine to your PC and then use Excel or another graphics package to make the plot. To move files between the two machines, use FTP by clicking on the PC’s Start button and following this set of pop-up menus:
Start à Programs
à Communications à WS_FTP LE
In the FTP window, enter unix.andrew.cmu.edu as the Host-name. You will be prompted for your login and password.