Homework Assignments
Homework 1 (due Jan. 27)
Homework 2 (due Feb. 3) Matlab information
Homework 3 (due Feb. 22) Input files Output files General UNIX information
Homework 4 (due March 15)
Midsemester project A (polydispersity)
Midsemester project B (solid crystals)
Homework 5 (due April 21)
Homework Guidelines
Collaboration You are encouraged to talk to other students in the class about homework exercises, but all work you hand in must be your own. Several specific examples of this general rule follow. For theoretical exercises, you must write up your own solution (you may not copy someone else’s solution). For writing exercises, you must write you own assignment in your own words (you may not plagiarize anyone else’s work). For any exercises that involve using computer codes (Matlab, FORTRAN, or otherwise), you must develop your own version of the code (you may not use another student’s code).
Presentation Handwritten assignments must be neatly presented, on one side of each sheet only. All writing assignments must be typed. Make sure your name is clearly marked on all work you turn in.
Code development Some exercises will require you to develop short codes (usually in Matlab). There are two special features of these assignments.
Writing assignments A number of exercises, including the final project, will be writing exercises. In addition to technical correctness, portions of the grade for these exercises will be allotted for clarity of expression, grammar, spelling, and presentation. Several simple steps you can take to improve your written assignments are:
Page last updated: 04/11/2005