06-713: Mathematical Methods of Chemical Engineering


Mathematica Information


Useful information about installing and using Mathematica will be collected here. If you have suggested resources to add to this page, please let Prof. Sholl know.

Mathematica is available on all the PCs in the Chemical Engineering computing cluster (Doherty Hall A-level). As a CMU student, you can also download a copy from software distribution portion of the My Andrew website. When using this route, you can either install a version that uses a license server on a campus computer (this is easy to do but you must be connected to the campus network to run Mathematica) or a standalone copy that you can run on your computer at any time (this requires a little extra work to set up). Please carefully read the legal restrictions on the CMU license for Mathematica and abide by them.

Send any comments on this webpage to sholl@andrew.cmu.edu

Last update: 07/17/2006