06-713: Mathematical Methods of Chemical Engineering |
SYLLABUS Instructor: Prof. David Sholl DHA220, x84207, sholl@andrew.cmu.edu Office Hours: If my office door is open and I am not on the phone or talking to someone, you are welcome to knock and come in to discuss any questions you have. If I am rushing to meet some particularly urgent deadline, I may ask if we can schedule an appointment to talk at a later time. You can greatly improve the probability of talking to me by contacting me by email and setting up an appointment.
Teaching Assistants: Jeong Woo Han, Monday 2:30-3:30, DH2312, jeongwoh@andrew.cmu.edu Seda Keskin, Tuesday 1:30-2:30, DH2312, skeskin@andrew.cmu.edu
Class Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 11:30-1:20pm, Wean Hall 5302.
Textbook: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Michael D. Greenberg (2nd ed.)
Useful References: You do not need to own copies of these texts, but may find them useful. The CMU library has copies of all of these books. Two books similar in level (and title) to Greenberg: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Peter V. O’Neil (6th ed.) Advanced Engineering Mathematics, C. R. Wylie and L. C. Barrett (6th ed.) Advanced Engineering Mathematics, E. Kreysig, (6th ed.) More specialized or advanced books: Linear Algebra and Its Applications (2nd ed), Gilbert Strang Elementary Differential Equations (4th ed), W. E. Boyce and R. C. DiPrima Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, C. M. Bender and S. A. Orszag Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes, A. Papoulis, (3rd ed.) Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics and Integral Equations, R. B. Guenther and J. W. Lee Numerical Analysis, R. L. Burden and J. D. Faires, (3rd ed.) Analysis of Numerical Methods, E. Isaacson and H. B. Keller (Wiley, 1966). For an amusing diversion, try making a sentence out of the first letter of each sentence of this book’s Preface
Course Objectives: By the end of this course, you should be able to: 1. Work comfortably with vectors, matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. 2. Solve linear ordinary differential equations analytically. 3. Qualitatively assess the properties of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. 4. Solve standard linear partial differential equations analytically. 5. Appreciate the difference between efficient and inefficient numerical methods for solving linear algebra problems, ordinary and partial differential equations. 6. Appreciate the difference between linear and nonlinear mathematical problems. 7. Appreciate the existence of detailed statistical methods for use in data analysis and design of experiments. 8. Be comfortable using mathematical software to solve a wide variety of problems. 9. Believe that mathematics is fun, or at the very least, useful.
Grading Policy: Homework = 35%Midterm exams (2) = 20 % each Final exam = 25% In determining the homework grade, your lowest score will be dropped.
Homework and Exam Policies: · You may collaborate with each other on homework problems, but once you understand how to solve a problem you must write up your own solution. In other words, the final solutions you hand in must be your work alone. If the homework involves calculations using any type of software (e.g. Mathematica), you may not copy all or part of another student's calculations. · Homework solutions will be made available via the class web page after the homework is due. · You are free to use mathematical software packages in your homework. In fact, a reasonable fraction of the homework problems will be designed specifically to give you a good motivation to work out how to use appropriate packages. I will use Mathematica throughout the course, but if you prefer to use another package and have access to it (e.g. Maple, Mathcad) then you are welcome to use these packages. Whenever you use mathematical software, you must write your own code; copying code from a classmate is not permitted. · We aim to cover a lot of topics, so staying up to date is important. To remind you of this, 20% of the possible grade will be deducted per day for homework handed in late (i.e., if 2 days late, your score will be multiplied by 0.6). · You will be able to bring your textbook and any hand written notes you choose to the in-class exams, but not any other books or printed material. One of the midterm exams will be a take home exam. Detailed instructions for the take home exam will be provided prior to the exam.
Send any comments on this webpage to sholl@andrew.cmu.edu Last update: 07/17/2006 |