09-214 Physical Chemistry Name_______KEY___________________
Quiz 7 March 16, 2001
1 atm = 760 torr
R = 8.314 J/K mol
= 0.0821 L atm/K mol
(6 pts) A solution of the artificial sweetener sucrosa (mol wt 201.2) is prepared by adding 20.12 g of sucrosa to 100.0 g of water (mol wt 18.02). The vapor pressure of pure liquid water is 17.54 torr at 20oC. Sucrosa is nonvolatile. Assuming that aqueous sucrosa solutions behave ideally, calculate the vapor pressure lowering (the difference between the vapor pressure of pure water and that of the solution) for the above solution at 20oC.
nB = 20.12/201.2 = 0.1000 mol
nA = 100.0/18.02 = 5.55 mol
xB = 0.1000/(0.1000 + 5.55) = 0.0177
PA = xAPAo = (1 - xB) PAo = PAo - xBPAo
PAo - PA = xBPAo = 0.0177(17.54 torr) = 0.31 torr
(3 pts) Whoops! Somebody points out that sucrosa is actually a sodium salt that ionizes completely in water, as symbolized by NaSu Æ Na+(aq) + Su-(aq). In what way, if any, does this change your answer?
Both Na+ and Su- contribute to vapor pressure lowering: nB = 2(0.1000) mol
xB = 0.2000/(0.2000 + 5.55) = 0.0348
PAo - PA = xBPAo = 0.0348(17.54 torr) = 0.61 torr
(6 pts) Whoops again! That same pest points out that the temperature is actually 25oC. If the molar heat of vaporization of water is 44.0 kJ/mol, how does the higher temperature affect your answer to the first part?
ln (P2/P1)
= - ( H/R)[(1/T2)
- (1/T1)] = - (44000 J/mol/ 8.314 J/K
mol)[(1/298)-(1/293)] = +0.303
P2/P1 = e+0.303 = 1.35
P2 = 1.35 P1 = 1.35 (17.54 torr) = 23.7 torr (vapor pressure of pure water at 25oC)
PAo - PA = xBPAo = 0.0177(23.7 torr) = 0.42 torr