/* $begin sbufc */ #include "csapp.h" #include "sbuf.h" /* Create an empty, bounded, shared FIFO buffer with n slots */ /* $begin sbuf_init */ void sbuf_init(sbuf_t *sp, int n) { sp->buf = Calloc(n, sizeof(int)); sp->n = n; /* Buffer holds max of n items */ sp->front = sp->rear = 0; /* Empty buffer iff front == rear */ Sem_init(&sp->mutex, 0, 1); /* Binary semaphore for locking */ Sem_init(&sp->slots, 0, n); /* Initially, buf has n empty slots */ Sem_init(&sp->items, 0, 0); /* Initially, buf has zero data items */ } /* $end sbuf_init */ /* Clean up buffer sp */ /* $begin sbuf_deinit */ void sbuf_deinit(sbuf_t *sp) { Free(sp->buf); } /* $end sbuf_deinit */ /* Insert item onto the rear of shared buffer sp */ /* $begin sbuf_insert */ void sbuf_insert(sbuf_t *sp, int item) { P(&sp->slots); /* Wait for available slot */ P(&sp->mutex); /* Lock the buffer */ if (++sp->rear >= sp->n) /* Increment index (mod n) */ sp->rear = 0; sp->buf[sp->rear] = item; /* Insert the item */ V(&sp->mutex); /* Unlock the buffer */ V(&sp->items); /* Announce available item */ } /* $end sbuf_insert */ /* Remove and return the first item from buffer sp */ /* $begin sbuf_remove */ int sbuf_remove(sbuf_t *sp) { int item; P(&sp->items); /* Wait for available item */ P(&sp->mutex); /* Lock the buffer */ if (++sp->front >= sp->n) /* Increment index (mod n) */ sp->front = 0; item = sp->buf[sp->front]; /* Remove the item */ V(&sp->mutex); /* Unlock the buffer */ V(&sp->slots); /* Announce available slot */ return item; } /* $end sbuf_remove */ /* $end sbufc */