We thank Prof. Pattis for this lab. This lab is an adaptation of the first part of his Lab #7 from 15-111 Fall 2005.
This programming assignment is designed to ensure that you know how to use combinations of collection classes to model and solve a wide variety of different programming problems. The kind of abstract thinking that goes into modeling solutions to these programming problems with collection classes is critical to your development as computer scientists. Collection classes are important and useful themselves, and they also rely on almost everything powerful that we have learned about Java: interfaces, classes in an inheritence hierarchy, casting, and general pupose iterators.For this problem, you must be familiar with the Java interfaces for Map, List, Iterator, and Comparator. In addition, you must understand the use of the classes HashMap, TreeMap, ArrayList, and LinkedList, which implement these collections. You must also understand the use of the static sort method defined in the Collections class, which use the Comparable and/or Comparator interfaces. You should also be familiar with the StringTokenizer class.
Structure of the Solution
This assignment is designed to quickly give you a feel for the collection classes, &c. It is not intended to be a "design of software" exercise. You can solve the problem within the static context of the main method, if you'd like.
The Problem: Word Frequency
Read a file of words, building a map (Map[String] -> Integer) from each word to its frequency (the number of times that it occurs in the file). When you are done, what you have, in effect, is a histogram of word usage: Each word is mapped to the count of the number of times it occured. Recall that the Integer class is a "wrapper" class that lets us treat ints as Objects. Once you have built this map, print it out.Once you are done building the Map, get a list of Entrys from it -- this is easy to do as there is a Map method to do it. The Enttry class is nothing more than a
pair. In this case, <(String) word, (Integer) count>. The Entrys are created for you, automatically, as the Map adds pairs. Next, print this list twice: first with the word/frequency pairs ordered alphabetically; second with the word/frequency pairs ordered from highest to lowest frequency (words with equal frequency can appear in any order; the built-in sort method will take care of these details). This is a perfect opportunity to make use of Comparators.
Your solution might look something like this:
- Create the map data structure and open the input file.
- For each word you encounter in the file, use the word, itself, as the key and look for its record (the class you created). If you find one, increment the count and restore it, again using the word as the key. If you don't find it, you know it is the first time you are encountering the word, so create a new record for it, with a count of one, and store it using the key. The whole assignment is basically a loop around reading the file.
- In order to process the input file, you'll want to look back at your notes about reading from files. This will enable you to read one line at a time. In order to process one line, you'll probably want to use StringTokenizer. We haven't talked about it. But, it is covered by the API documentation. It will let you pluck one word at a time from each line of the input file.
- In this way we see that the assignment has nested loops. The outside loops reads lines -- and continues until there are no more. Within this, we have another loop, which uses StringTokenizer to read words from each line. It loops, processing a line, until there are no more words.
- We are not concerned about punctuation or capitalization, so don't worry about how these might affect your program. This is designed to be a quick lab -- we don't want it dirtied with these details.
- Build the list using the Map.Entry objects stored in the map.
- To sort the list, use the Collections.sort(...) method and two different comparators, one that works alphabeticaly and one that works by count.
- When printing the map (and later the list, twice) use a single line of Java code each time, calling the standard toString method on the collection being printed (either implicitly or explicitly).
Sample Input:
w x y z w x y w x w a c a b cSample Output:
Enter name of file of words: input1.txt Map: {b=1, x=3, a=2, w=4, z=1, c=2, y=2} List (sorted alphabetically): [a=2, b=1, c=2, w=4, x=3, y=2, z=1] List (sorted by frequency): [w=4, x=3, a=2, c=2, y=2, b=1, z=1]