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Lecture #29 (Wednesday, Nov 29, 2006)

Daily Excercise One

Today we did our first daily excercise in order to get more familiar with actual programming. You were asked to write a sort() method that sorted the items currently in the array, and a standard toString().

 // Turn in, as a lab, into the "daily1" directory

class SortableArrayCollection {

  private Comparable[] items;
  private int count;
  private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 100;
  private static final int GROWTH_COEFF = 2;
  private void grow() {
    Comparable[] biggerArray = new Comparable[GROWTH_COEFF * items.length];
    for (int index=0; index < items.length; index++)
      biggerArray[index] = items[index];
    items = biggerArray;
  public SortableArrayCollection(int size) {
    items = new Comparable[size];
    count = 0;
  public SortableArrayCollection() {
    items = new Comparable[DEFAULT_SIZE];
    count = 0;
 // 1. Write toString()

 //Nice standard, simple toString() method for arrays
 public String toString() {
    String list = "";
    for (int index=0; index < count; index++) {
      list += items[index] + "/n";
    return list;
 //Added this insert in order method to use in sort()
 public void insertInOrder(Comparable item) {
    if (nextSlot == list.length)
    int hole;
    for (hole=nextSlot; hole > 0; hole--) {
      if (list[hole-1].compareTo(item) < 0)

      list[hole] = list[hole-1];

    list[hole] = item;

 // 2. Write sort().
 // Hint: Write an "insert in order" and add the items one at a time, possibly
 // to a new array, or possibly in place
 public void sort() { 
	//Making a new sortable array collection to add all the items into using the insertInOrder method
	SortableArrayCollection sorted = new SortableArrayCollection(items.length);

      //Walking through, adding each element into sorted
      for(int index = 0; index < count; count++){

	//Set the array in this instance of the class to the array inside sorted
      items = sorted.items;