Lab 1 - Methods and User Input
Due: Friday, September 16 at 11:59pm


This lab is designed to give you a simple, start-to-finish, real world application of what we have learned so far. It makes use of your ability to read strings from the user, convert them to doubles, write and use methods, perform computations, &c.

The Assignment

Please write a program in the context of a class specification named TempuratureConversion. It should consist of three methods:

Note: The equation for converting from Fahrenheit to Centigrade is:
 Tc = (5/9) * (Tf - 32) 

Sample Output

Below is an example run of the program. The user's input is shown in italics.

      Enter tempurature in Fahrenheit: 72
      The tempurature in Centigrade is: 22.22222222222222

Important note: Your result might be slightly different due to the precision of float-point-type numbers.


We'll talk about this on Friday.