class Textbook { private String title; private String author; private int pages; private float price; private String comments; public class NegativePagesException extends Exception { public NegativePagesException(String message) { super (message); } } public class NegativePriceException extends Exception { public NegativePriceException(String message) { super (message); } } public Textbook (String title, String author, int pages) throws NegativePagesException, NegativePriceException { if (price < 0) throw new NegativePriceException ("Attempt to construct book, " + title + " with a negative price, $" + price + "."); if (pages < 0) throw new NegativePagesException ("Attempt to construct book, " + title + " with a negative number of pages " + pages + "."); this.title = title;; this.pages=pages; this.price=-1.00f; this.comments =""; } public Textbook (String title, String author, int pages, float price, String comments) throws NegativePagesException, NegativePriceException { if (price < 0) throw new NegativePagesException ("Attempt to construct book, " + title + " with a negative price, $" + price + "."); if (pages < 0) throw new NegativePagesException ("Attempt to construct book, " + title + " with a negative number of pages " + pages + "."); this.title = title;; this.pages=pages; this.price=price; this.comments=comments; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getAuthor() { return author; } public int getPages() { return pages; } public float getPrice() { return price; } public String getComments() { return comments; } public String toString() { return title + "\n" + author + "\n" + "$" + price + "\n" + pages + " pages" + "\n"; } public void setPrice(float price) { this.price = price; } public void addComment(String newComment) { this.comments = this.comments + newComment + "\n"; } }