- Week of August 29th
- Course overview
- Introduction to programming languages and environments,
"Hello World"
- "int" variables and mathematical operations.
- Week of September 5st
- No class Monday (Labor Day)
- float, char, long, String
- static methods
- Week of September 12th
- Keyboard input
- booleans, comparison, equality, and the if-else statement
- while loop, for loop
- Week of September 19st
- The switch() statement
- Menu example
- Review/Spare
- Week of September 26th
- Exam #1
- Review exam
- Intro to an OO Universe
- Week of October 3th
- Classes, instances, and instance variables
- The equals() method, whole classes w/equals
- Interfaces and comparable
- Week of October 10st
- More complex class definition
- Exceptions and Exception handling
- Implementing a Menu: Using our own exceptions
- Week of October 17th
- Review/Spare
- Exam #2
- No class -- Mid-semester break
- Week of October 24th
- Arrays and for loops: Indexed and sequential access
- Arrays: Dynamically growing arrays
- Arrays: In-order insert, remove
- Week of October 31th
- Arrays: swap, remove, binary search
- Arrays: Filtering
- Arrays: Set operations
- Week of November 7st
- Arrays: Countable collection (mastery exam-style)
- Arrays: Countable collection (my style)
- Linked Lists, singly linked, introduction
- Week of November 14th
- Linked Lists, singly linked, reinforcement
- Linked Lists, analysis
- LinkedList, ArrayList, and List (Interfaces, power of)
- Week of November 21th
- Exam #3
- No class - Thanksgiving
- No class - Thanksgiving
- Week of November 28th
- Review Exam/Spare
- Applets and AWT
- Applets and AWT
- Week of December 5th
- Applets and AWT
- Review for departmental exam
- Review/Spare
Week of December 12th
Week of December 17th