This assignment asks you to implement a Classroom class as well as a ClassroomTester class. The Classroom should model a college classroom. The ClassroomTester class should be a complete test driver -- it should excercise all of the Classroom's functionality.
The Classroom class
Please implement a class specification for a class that models aspects of a classroom as follows:
- A Classroom should be characterized by the buildingName and roomNumber, as well as the numberOfSeats, and whether or not is has an audioVideoSystem and/or podiumComputer
- The Classroom should also maintain a count of the numberOfPeople inside and the thermostatSettingInFarenheit
- The class should provide a way to setTheThermostat and for people to enter and leave, either individually or in groups.
These methods should report an error if the thermostat setting is unreasonable (use your judgement), if more people try to leave than are present, or if people try to enter, but there aren't enough desks. Since we haven't yet learned exceptions, use a boolean return value to communicate the success (true) or failure (false) of one of these operations.
- At any time, a classroom should be able to report the any of its properties, such as roomNumber, numberOfPeople, &c.
- The classroom should implement the now standard toString method.
- The classroom should implement the now standard equals method.
- The classroom should also implement the compareTo method compares classrooms based on the numberOfSeats. This method should return a negative, positive, or 0 integer to indicate the relative order f the two items.