Week 1
- Administrivia
- OO Model, Mesages and Parameters, Types
- Class skeletons, simple classes, Instance variables, boolean expressions, if statements
Week 2
- No class -- MLK Observance
- Using objects, new, static main, Homework #1 assigned
- Reinforcement
Week 3
- more boolean expressions, more if-else
- equals(), toString(), hashCode(), Homework #2 assigned
- The switch statement, menu example
Week 4
- Reinforcement
- Exam #1, Homework #3 assigned
- Review exam
Week 5
- Reinforcement
- Exceptions and exception handling, Homework #4 assigned
- String methods, File IO
Week 6
- Interfaces revisited, Comparable
- Function objects, anonymous classes, Comparable, Homework #5 assiged
Week 7
- Arrays, indexed and sequential access
- Arrays, in-order insertion and insertion sort, remove-and-shift, Homework #6 assigned
- Arrays, growing, IndexOutOfBoundsException
Week 8
- Reinforcement
- Exam #2
- No class - Mid-semester break
Spring Break
Week 9
- Arrays, swap, binary and/or selection sorting
- Arrays, filtering, Homework #7 assigned
- Reinforcement
Week 10
- Data structures in Java
- Wrapper classes, casting, Homework #8 assigned
- Reinforcement
Week 11
- Linked Lists, conceptual
- Linked Lists, code, Homework #9 assigned
- Reinforcement
Week 12
- List interface, LinkedList, ArrayList
- Collections class, Arrays class, Homework #10 assigned
- No class - Carnival
Week 13
- Hash tables, HashTable, hashCode()
- Set interface, HashSet, HashTree, Homework #11 assigned
- Collections interface, reinforcement
Week 14
- Applets
- Swing, Homework #12
- Reinforcement
Week 15
- Exam #3
- Review Exam
- Wrap-up