//Anish Chadda //15100 B //achadda@andrew.cmu.edu void setup() { background(185, 54, 57); size(600, 600); int x= 0; int y=0; fill(185, 54, 57); drawBigInitial(); } void drawBigInitial() { //Right diagnol of the A drawInitials( width*.2, height*.3, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.15, height*.35, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.10, height*.40, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.05, height*.45, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.25, height*.25, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.30, height*.2, width*.05, width*.05); //left diagnol of the A drawInitials( width*.35, height*.25, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.40, height*.30, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.45, height*.35, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.5, height*.4, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.55, height*.45,width*.05, width*.05); //straight line of the A drawInitials( width*.2, height*.35, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.25, height*.35, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.3, height*.35, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.35, height*.35, width*.05, width*.05); drawInitials( width*.4, height*.35, width*.05, width*.05); } void drawInitials(float x, float y, float iwidth, float iheight ) { strokeWeight(3); stroke(23, 45, 78); beginShape(); curveVertex(x+ .05*iwidth, y+ .8*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .1*iwidth, y+ .6*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .15*iwidth, y+ .2*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .2*iwidth, y+ .6*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .25*iwidth, y+ .8*iheight); endShape(); stroke(32, 78, 189); beginShape(); curveVertex(x+ .3*iwidth, y+ .1*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .33*iwidth, y+ .2*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .3*iwidth, y+ .4*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .33*iwidth, y+ .6*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .3*iwidth, y+ .8*iheight); endShape(); stroke(56, 198, 23); beginShape(); curveVertex(x+ .07*iwidth, y+ .45*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .13*iwidth, y+ .4*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .15*iwidth, y+ .38*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .17*iwidth, y+ .4*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .19*iwidth, y+ .45*iheight); endShape(); beginShape(); curveVertex(x+ .6*iwidth, y+ .22*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .55*iwidth, y+ .2*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .45*iwidth, y+ .4*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .55*iwidth, y+ .6*iheight); curveVertex(x+ .6*iwidth, y+ .58*iheight); endShape(); }