//Claire Castleman //Section D //ccastlem@andrew.cmu.edu background(0, 0, 0); // Black background stroke(0, 125, 125); strokeWeight(4); line(32, 34, 10, 50); line(32, 65, 10, 50); // First C noStroke(); fill(0, 125, 0); rect(49, 41, 4, 25); // Line of I noStroke(); fill(0, 0, 250); ellipse(50, 30, 6, 6); // Dot of I stroke(0, 250, 0); noFill(); arc(90, 50, 50, 30, PI/2, TWO_PI-PI/2); // Second C println("Homework #1"); println("Initials: CiC");