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15-111 Lecture 30 (Friday, April 9, 2003)

Implementing Delete

Last class, we finsihed up by discussing the algorithm for deleting a node within a BST. Today, we walked through the implementation together:

  public void delete (Comparable c)
        root = delete(root, c);

 * A recursive method that will copy the correct data into the node to
 * be deleted, and then call delete on the node where it got that data.
 * The method will continue to go recursively, until it is called to delete
 * a leaf, in which case it merely makes the reference to that node null.
private static BinaryNode delete (BinaryNode bn, Comparable c)
        if (null == data) return root;

        if (null == root) return null;

        if (data.compareTo(root.getData()) == 0)
                if (root.isLeaf()) return null;

                if (root.getLeft() == null) return root.getRight();

                if (root.getRight() == null) return root.getLeft();

                Comparable replacementData = getRightmost(root.getLeft());

                return new BinaryNode (/* data */ replacementData,
                                       /* left */ delete(root.getLeft(), replacementData),
                                       /* right */ root.getRight());

        else if (data.compareTo(root.getData()) < 0)
                root.setLeft(delete(root.getLeft(), data));
                return root;

                root.setRight(delete(root.getRight(), data));
                return root;

 * The method to find the rightmost node in the left subtree.
 * It is used to find the proper data to put in the node to be deleted.
private BinaryNode getRightmost(BinaryNode bn)
        // Special case: empty tree
        if (null == bn)
                return null;

        // Special case: no right child
        if (null == bn.getRight())
                return bn;

        // Common case: Go right
        return getRightmost(bn.getRight());