This lab should be a refresher on general programming issues and provide you the opportunity to explore the on-line Java API (Application Programming Interface) documentation. Additional information can be found in chapter 4 of the textbook. Once you're done, you will use the Intro-CS Assignment Dropoff form to hand in your finished program.
What You'll Need
Download the file from the 15-111 course web site. Unzip the files and you should see the following:
- HouseApplet.html
- PixelPaint.html (included for lecture example only - don't hand in)
- (included for lecture example only - don't hand in)
You are to add items to the house to make it appear more "real". You may add a
window, a sun, clouds, whatever. Try something simple and, when it works, try something more complex.
The only criteria is that your final submission must have added more than one shape to the original drawing of the house.
We've used mostly rectangles (more precisely Rectangle2D.Double objects); there
are also Points, Lines, and Ellipses in the java.awt.geom package. I would expect that you would find it easier to use the .Double forms of all of these (for more details, see Chapter 4 of the textbook).
Handing in your Solution
Your solution should be in the form of a .zip file. When we grade your solution
we will unzip the folder and execute the Java files.
Use the Intro Programming
dropoff form to submit your zip file.