Lab 6 will allow you to get some familiarity with linked lists. You will re-implement the graph class using an adjacency list format instead of an adjacency matrix. Once you're done, you will use the Intro-CS Assignment Dropoff form to hand in your finished program.
Download the file from the 15-111 course web site. Unzip the file and you should see the following:
You can either copy your file from the last lab into the folder you're using for this lab and change the method implementations as needed or start from scratch again with the stubbed version provided here. Just make sure you're working on the correct version!!
You may want to fiddle around with the IntList class BEFORE launching into modifying the graph. You may want to add some new methods. You should definitely make an EdgeList class and satisfy yourself that it is working correctly before working with the adjacency list in the graph.
As in the Adjacency Matrix implementation, you may NOT assume that an edge is not already present between the two vertices in your new implementation of addEdge (if it is, overwrite its cost with the new value) and you may NOT assume that an edge is in the graph in your new implementation of removeEdge. Your code should behave analogously to that which was present in the Adjacency Matrix implementation and should still perform that Max/Min Degree functions from Lab 5. If you implemented Dijkstra's algorithm in Lab 5, feel free to reimplement it here as well (no new extra credit, though). If you didn't in Lab 5, you may do so here for extra credit.
Use the Intro Programming dropoff form to submit your zip file.