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Nested Collections Example
In class today we built an example that involved tuples, lists, and dictionaries. It also required file I/O. I've added additional comments to the source code to help you walk through it again. Please find it below.
#!/usr/bin/python JOBS_FILE = "jobs.txt" PEOPLE_FILE = "people.txt" tradeLookupTable = {} # A dictionary jobList = [] # A list # Input: Name of a file and an empty list # Result: Previously empty list holds a tuple of needed workers by type # (number, trade) def buildJobList(jobsFile,jobList): # Read jobs lines from input file inputFile = open(JOBS_FILE) jobLines = inputFile.readlines() # For job line, add it to the job list for jobLine in jobLines: # Parse the line jobRecords = jobLine.split(";") # Note the job name jobName = jobRecords[0] # Build the list of trades needed jobTalentList = [] for jobRecord in jobRecords[1:]: # Split the record into people x trade (numberPeople,trade) = jobRecord.split(",") numberPeople = numberPeople.strip() trade = trade.strip() # Add peoplextrade to jobTalentList jobTalentList.append((numberPeople, trade)) # Append a new job to the jobList jobList.append((jobName,jobTalentList)) # Notice we're adding a tuple to the list # Input: Name of a file and an empty dictionary # Result: Previously empty dictionary maps from trade name to a list of # works in that trade def buildTradeLookup(peopleFile,lookupTable): inputFile = open(peopleFile) personLines = inputFile.readlines() for personLine in personLines: fields = personLine.split(",") name = fields[0].rstrip().lstrip() # This could be a single strip() for fieldNumber in range (1,len(fields)): trade = fields[fieldNumber].strip() # Here we do it with one strip() # This catches the case where we haven't yet encountered someone # in this trade. In this case, there is no list, so the .append() # operation is being called upon None. But, of course, it isn't # defined upon None, so it blows up. try: lookupTable[trade].append(name) except: # We catch the blow up, create and add the list, then append # The name to the newly created list lookupTable[trade] = [] lookupTable[trade].append(name) # Input: a dictionary mapping from the name fo a trade to a list of the # names of those in the trade, as well as a list of jobs, where each # job within the list is a tuple specifying the (number, trade) number of # people needed in each trade. # Result: Prints (displays to user) that the job os "A-Okay", or the number # and kind for each treade where additional workers are needed def verifyJobs(tradeLookupTable, jobList): for job in jobList: jobName = job[0] tradesNeeded = job[1] problemList = [] for tradeNeeded in tradesNeeded: (numberNeeded, trade) = tradeNeeded try: # Note the cast int() below if (len(tradeLookupTable[trade]) < int(numberNeeded)): problemList.append((trade, len(tradeLookupTable[trade]) - int(numberNeeded))) except: problemList.append((trade, -1 * int(numberNeeded))) if (len(problemList) !=0 ): print "%s:" % (jobName), print problemList else: print "%s: A-Okay." % (jobName) buildTradeLookup(PEOPLE_FILE, tradeLookupTable) buildJobList(JOBS_FILE, jobList) verifyJobs(tradeLookupTable, jobList)