Week 1
- Welcome, Administrivia
- Python -- Quick start
- No class -- Independence Day!
- Decision making -- Conditionals
- Recitation, Reinforcement
Week 2
- Repetition -- Loops
- Getting Organized -- Functions and Code Reuse
- Getting Organized -- Exceptions
- Lists, 1D and 2D
- Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
Week 3
- Exam #1 -- Show your stuff
- Exam post-mortem
- Recursive thinking and problem solving
- Recursive programming, call stack, mechanics
- Recursive programming, tail recursion, recursion removal
Week 4
- File I/O, Pickling
- Python Standard Library, Tkinter Graphics
- Events and Animation
- Debugging and Profiling, I
- Debugging and Profiling, II
Week 5
- Databases, Interacting with databases
- SQL Primer
- Regular Expressions, Regular Languages, and Finite State Machines
- Generators, Coroutines, and the Producer-Consumer Model, I
- Generators, Coroutines, and the Producer-Consumer Model, II
Week 6
- Object-oriented Python, I
- Object-oriented Python, II
- Monte Carlo
- Course wrap-up
- Final Exam -- The best is saved for last