How Much Were the Two Expressos??

Due Date:  Thursday October 28, 1999 at start of class.

Build a primitive calculator that is similar to the demo calculator that you can run from the link in the Lab10 segment of the web page.

This is a four function calculator with a clear key as in the applet you can access from the link for this lab.  I f you do not have the printed handout, you should run that applet to see what the final product should look like.
- Input from the user and output to the user will be through TextField objects.
- There will be five buttons: +  -  X  /  clear
- There will be a minimum of three Label objects one for each TextField. You may want to add a fourth Label object at the top with the product name of your invention/design...
- The layout will be flow layout so be sure to size your applet to insure that the components are nicely arranged.
- You do not have to arrange your components as shown above.
- The next page shows you how to get the text from the TextField objects and how to put text into the TextField objects
You should make the font larger than the default size so older people (re: Jim) can read the buttons and see what they typed in.  Colors are nice if the text  is well contrasted from the background

Handin Instructions:
You should hand in a folder that contains these two files: and Lab10.html.  DO NOT HAND IN THE FILE Lab10.class - it is too big.  Name the folder with this convention

Helpful Hints and Actual Information You Will Need for Lab 10:

Using TextField objects for user input:
All user input from the keyboard is text --  Yes! - text.  When the user types 23 thinking they just typed in the number twenty three, they actually typed the text digit 2 and the text digit 3.  The software must convert this text to a number.
You will have to convert the text into the type double since we want to be able to compute with decimal numbers.  Doing this requires two steps:
1. getting the actual text from the TextField object.
2. converting the text into a double

1.  To get the text you can use the TextField object's method getText().  Let's assume we have a TextField object called input. We would write:
This returns the text that the user typed into the TextField, input.
2.  To convert the text typed by the user into a real number of type double, we use the following method:
 Double.parseDouble(some text to be parsed);
"Parsing" means to break down into something meaningful.  We want to parse the text into a number.  There is something very subtle that you must notice and remember in this line of code.  The word "Double" begins with an uppercase "D". To declare a real variable we use the lowercase "d" like this:
 double num = 0.0;
Classes in Java begin with Uppercase letters so Double is a class, not a real number like double.  Double is a class that allows us to treat real numbers as objects - something that is useful from time to time like now.  The actual code for converting the user's text input to a real number is something like this assuming that the variable num is declared as type double;
 num = Double.parseDouble(input.getText() );
This will take the text entered by the user into the TextField object input and convert it into a real number and store that value in the double variable num.

Having Your Program Put the Computed Answer Into the TextField Object
To put text into a TextField object, you use the following TextField class method (assuming that output is a TextField object:
  output.setText("some text to be put into the TextField object");
BUT you will not have text - you will have computed a double when you add/subtract/multiply/divide the two numbers.  If you have the computed result stored in a double variable called answer, this will be WRONG!
output.setText( answer);
Sorry but you must put text or stuff between two quotation marks into the TextField .  Alas and Alack we are doomed.... Nope, we will result to trickery... We will trick the  TextField object output into thinking it has text by putting in an empty or null string.  Things in quotation marks are called strings. If you have  a pair of empty quotation marks (""), you have a null string.  Even though it is empty, it is considered text.  What we do is to add the answer to the empty string like this:
 output.setText( "" + answer);
No kidding - this really works...  This is called concatenation.  We concatenate the answer to the null string using the + operator.

 Getting the size of your applet window :
You can adjust the applet window when you use the applet view by using the mouse. It is frequently easier to make the original applet window big and then adjust it to a good size.  Once you have the window set, you need to know how big it is.  The applet can tell you this.  You need to use a Dimension class object.  You can do the following in the paint method when you are developing your code.
    Dimension dim;
  dim = getSize();
  showStatus("width = " + dim.width + " and height is " + dim.height );

This declares a Dimension object called dim.  the Applet class method getSize( ) can measure the height and width of the applet window and return those values to a Dimension object.  The Applet class  method showStatus displays the status of the applet in the last line or status line of the applet at the bottom of the screen.  Note that the argument in the parenthesis must begin with text meaning that it must begin with quotation marks.  The + operator literally adds (or concatenates) the next argument to the original text.

You should comment out the showStatus line in your final version of the applet ---  the user does not need to see it.

15-119 Fall 99                                                              Lab 10


***Jim's Sample Solution***

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