Due Date: Thursday Sep 16, 1999
the start of class on floppy disk
Chapter 3, Problem 5, page 63
- Build a world to match the Initial Situation on page 63.
- Give your robot at least 200 beepers.
- Build a new class of robot to solve the problem as shown
in the final solution on page 63. Note that you
move the robot away from the message when the task is
- It is perfectly ok to place multiple beepers on a corner.
- Do this with a single robot. Do not use multiple robots.
This is a real program and real object oriented programming.
It requires the use of a sub-class of robot that inherits all
of the basic abilities of the ur-robot class and is further
enhanced to do more.
Your design should be a very “natural” design that flows from
the problem analysis that you should conduct. This analysis
should be a parallel to the one that is discussed in the chapter
in section 3.8. It is fine to do this as a group even if the
members of the group have solutions that are very similar.
There are many ways to carry out this task. Some will be
very elegant. One test of your final plan is to insure
that it conforms to the three requirements on the bottom
of page 37 – especially the third requirement. If you have
a good plan for the program, then it should take you only a
few seconds to modify your task list to have the robot spell
out the message “OLEO”. If your plan is truly superior,
then it should only take a few minutes longer to modify your
robot class to be able to spell out, “HI MOM” or “OHIO”.
Handin Instructions:
Bring your program and world to class on Thursday. We will
discuss the problem you had with the lab.
Drag a copy of your .kpp file to the intront server’s dropoff
folder. Follow this path: intront/dropoffs/15-119/lab03
Note that you can drag a file into this folder but that you
cannot open the folder. You should name your .kpp file in
with the convention: LastName.FirstIntital.Lab#.kpp