Multiple Robots

Due Date:  Tuesday Sep 21, 1999
            at the start of class on floppy disk

Chapter 3, Problem 9, page 64
- Build a world to match the Initial Situation on page 64.
- Give your robots at least 50 beepers each.
- Build a new class of robot to solve the problem as stated.
   Use a 24 hour clock  where 00:00 is midnight and 12:0 is noon.
   Note that you should move the robots away from the time when
   the task is finished.
- It is perfectly ok to place multiple beepers on a corner.
- Do this with a multiple robots of the same class.

More OOP programming with multiple objects of the same class.

Once again your design should be a very “natural” design that flows
from the problem analysis.   As with the last lab we are encouraging
group planning and analysis of this problem.

As with Lab 3, an elegant solution will allow the task list to be
quickly modified to draw any time.  Modification of the class must
not be necessary.

Handin Instructions:
Bring your program and world to class on Tuesday for an after-action

Drag a copy of your .kpp file to the intront server’s dropoff folder.
Follow this path:   intront/dropoffs/15-119/lab04  Note that you can
drag a file into this folder but that you cannot open the folder.
You should name your .kpp file in with the convention:

15-119 Fall 99                                                                    Lab 4

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